The Influence of Several Transpiration Suppressants on Transpiration, Photosynthesis, and Water-Use Efficiency of Cotton Leaves
RO Slatyer and JF Bierhuizen
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
17(1) 131 - 146
Published: 1964
The influence of transpiration suppressants on transpiration and apparent photosynthesis of cotton leaves was investigated under moderate and high light intensity (7'5 and 22·5x 104 erg cm-2 sec-I) and low windspeed (1-5 and 3·1 em sec-I) conditions. The substances used were Adol 52 (n formulation of cetyl alcohol), OED Green (a formulation of oxyethylene docosanol), 8·600 (n plastic transplanting spray), and phenyl mercuric acetate.
© CSIRO 1964