![Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture](/covers/EA_generic.jpg)
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 39 Number 1 1999
EA98094Modelling pesticide residues on greasy wool: using organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid survey data
J. W. Plant, B. J. Horton, R. T. F. Armstrong and N. J. Campbell
pp. 9-19
EA98100Full-fat canola seed meal as a protein source for weaner and grower–finisher pig
T. S. Brand, J. P. van der Merwe and D. A. Brandt
pp. 21-28
EA97097Soil water and nitrogen interaction in wheat in a dry season under a fallow–wheat cropping system
C. Cantero-Martinez, G. J. O'Leary and D. J. Connor
pp. 29-37
EA97099Wilt disease of Arachis hypogaea L. in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria
M. I. Osuinde and O. O. Daibo
pp. 39-42
ea98085Distribution of pest nematodes on sugarcane in south Queensland and relationship to soil texture, cultivar, crop age and region
B. L. Blair, G. R. Stirling and P. J. L. Whittle
pp. 43-50
EA98120A survey of farmer practices and attitudes to nitrogen management in the northern New South Wales grains belt
P. T. Hayman and C. L. Alston
pp. 51-63
EA97116Effect of brassica and weed manures on abundance of Tylenchulus semipenetrans and fungi in citrus orchard soil
G. E. Walker and B. G. Morey
pp. 65-72
EA98093Effects of ethephon on fruit yield, colour and pungency of cayenne and paprika peppers
M. Krajayklang, A. Klieber, R. B. H. Wills and P. R. Dry
pp. 81-86
EA97083Yield and phosphorus nutrition of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. ‘Delaware’ grown on a yellow Karrakatta sand containing freshly- and previously-applied Alkaloam–gypsum
W. J. Robertson, I. R. McPharlin and R. C. Jeffery
pp. 87-101