Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 10 Number 42 1970
EA9700013 A comparison of pasture conserved as hay or as silage for feeding sheep
AH Bishop and TD Kentish
pp. 13-18
EA9700019Performance of sheep and cattle grazed separately and together
D/Bath JG Hamilton
pp. 19-26
EA9700048The influence of cutting frequency on the yield, composition and persistence of irrigated lucerne
P/Radcliffe JC Judd
pp. 48-52
EA9700076Growth and ignitability of annual pastures in a Mediterranean environment. 2. Ignitability of swards of various annual species
RT Parrott and CM Donald
pp. 76-83
EA9700089An evaluation of indices of available soil nitrogen
RR Storrier, AT Hanly and HI Nicol
pp. 89-94
EA9700099Response to salinity in Glycine. 4. Salt concentration and the content of phosphorus, potassium, sodium and chloride in cultivars of G. wightii (G. javanica)
CT Gates, KP Haydock and MF Robins
pp. 99-110
EA9700111The effect of varieties, nitrogen and stubble treatments on successive cycles of grain and forage sorghums in the Ord River valley
DH Mackenzie, JJ Basinski and DB Parbery
pp. 111-117
EA9700118The effect of manganese on tobacco leaf quality and on the inorganic cation levels of tobacco
AD Johnson and RW Knowlton
pp. 118-123
EA9700124Packaging treatments for the storage and export of Austrtalian grapes
BB Beattie and NL Outhred
pp. 124-128