Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 11 Number 51 1971
EA9710379Association of premating liveweight to lambing performance of medium wool Merinos ewes
RJ Suiter and HE Fels
pp. 379-382
EA9710387Navy beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) as a protein source in layer diets
JK Connor, AR Neill and HW Burton
pp. 387-392
EA9710403Chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of some weed species during summer
DB Jones, KR Christian and RW Snaydon
pp. 403-406
EA9710420Recovery of nitrogen from four fertilizers applied to Rhodes grass in small plots
EF Henzell
pp. 420-430
EA9710431Breeding and testing early-flowering strains of yellow-flowered serradella (Ornithopus compressus)
JS Gladstones and AC Devitt
pp. 431-439
EA9710440The action of temperature fluctuations on hard seeds of subterranean clover
MW Hagon
pp. 440-443
EA9710444Response to time of sowing of a range of wheat and barley variteties in the Ord River valley
SF Beech and T NormanMJ
pp. 444-449
EA9710455Further sources of field resistance to crown rot (Gibberella zeae) of cereals in Queensland
GB Wildermuth and GS Purss
pp. 455-459