Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 13 Number 64 1973
EA9730496Effect of time of joining and rate of stocking on the production of Corriedale ewes in southern Victoria. 1. Mating and lamb numbers
IF Davis, PA Kenney and IA Cumming
pp. 496-501
EA9730544Effect of time of cessation of wet season grazing on Townsville stylo-annual grass pasture at Katherine, N.T
MJT Norman and LJ Phillips
pp. 544-548
EA9730556Effects of time and rate of paraquat application on yield and botanical composition of annual pastures containing subterranean clover in a Mediterranean climate
DW Barrett, GW Arnold and NA Campbell
pp. 556-562
EA9730563Analysis of the response by wheat to application of molybdenum in relation to nitrogen status
J Lipsett and JR Simpson
pp. 563-566
EA9730567 Grass-white clover relationships during pasture development. 1. Effect of superphosphate
EC Wolfe and A Lazenby
pp. 567-574
EA9730575Grass-white clover relationships during pasture development. 2. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer with superphosphate
EC Wolfe and A Lazenby
pp. 575-580
EA9730581An evaluation of effect of competition between wheat and Wimmera ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) during early stages of growth
DW Barrett and NA Campbell
pp. 581-586
EA9730593Effect of maturity, carbon dioxide and storage duration on controlled atmosphere stored Jonathan apples
CR Little, ID Peggie and HJ Taylor
pp. 593-599
EA9730600Post-harvest control of brown rot and Rhizopus rot in peaches with benomyl and dichloran
NL Wade and PG Gipps
pp. 600-603
EA9730604A statistical study of rain damage of grapes grown for drying in Victoria
JA Considine
pp. 604-611
EA9730604cCorrection - A statistical study of rain damage of grapes grown for drying in Victoria
JA Considine
pp. 604-611
EA9730612Control of Rhizopus barn rot of flue-cured tobacco using dicloran
RG Paddick and PL Turner
pp. 612-615