Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 14 Number 71 1974
EA9740720Effect of age at weaning on the subsequent growth of artificially reared lambs
JA Levick and GR Pearce
pp. 720-722
EA9740723Observations on fertilization failure in Merino ewes
LP Cahill, RD Kearins, MAde B Blockey and BJ Restall
pp. 723-725
EA9740726Management of lucerne for sheep grazing on the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales
GT McKinney
pp. 726-734
EA9740735Effect of plant density on the expression of the creeping-rooted character and forage yield of the lucerne (Medicago sativa) cultivar Cancreep
H Daday, A Grassia and J Peak
pp. 735-741
EA9740742Effect of genotype on yield of narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) and sandplain lupin (Lupinus cosentinii)
P Farrington and JS Gladstones
pp. 742-748
EA9740749Increased seed production of subterranean clover pastures in response to fertilizers supplying calcium
PG Ozanne and KMW Howes
pp. 749-757
EA9740764Control of vegetative and reproductive growth in sand burr (Cenchrus longispinus)
JD Twentyman
pp. 764-770
EA9740771Selective chemical control of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) in oilseed rape, field peas and lupins
TG Reeves and JM Lumb
pp. 771-776
EA9740777Adaptation of pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) to coastal New South Wales. 3. Comparative productivity of pearl-millet cultivars and a Sudan grass-sorghum hybrid
R Ferraris, MJT Norman and LK Fussell
pp. 777-784
EA9740785Establishment of barrel medic under wheat, oats, barley and linseed in central western New South Wales
BJ Scott and H Brownlee
pp. 785-789
EA9740790Cereals for winter grazing on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales
JV Lovett and EM Matheson
pp. 790-795
EA9740796Identification of Australian wheat cultivars by laboratory procedures: examination of pure samples of grain
CW Wrigley and KW Shepherd
pp. 796-804
EA9740805Identification of Australian wheat cultivars by laboratory procedures: grain samples containing a mixture of cultivars
CW Wrigley and RI Baxter
pp. 805-814
EA9740811Effect of temporary rise of saline water table on dry matter yield of oats (Avena byzantina)
FG Abd-El-Kaddous
pp. 811-814
EA9740815Seasonal distribution of mineral nitrogen with particular reference to leaching
FJ Hingston
pp. 815-821
EA9740822Diagnostic leaf analysis for stone fruit. 2. Seasonal changes in the leaf composition of peach
DR Leece and AR Gilmour
pp. 822-827
EA9740828Diagnostic leaf analysis for stone fruit. 3. Nutritional status of peach orchards
DR Leece and B Barkus
pp. 828-834