Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Volume 14 Number 70 1974
EA9740604Body composition of young sheep. 3. Effect of intake and pasture species on body composition and ruminal development of Merino lambs
WR McManus, GW Arnold, ML Dudzinski and HR Gharaybeh
pp. 604-612
EA9740613Summer production of sheep grazing irrigated and non-irrigated pasture
MJ Sharkey, JP Murphy, RG Ward and CG Winfield
pp. 613-618
EA9740619 Forage and sheep production from oats, rape and vetch sown in autumn with or without nitrogen fertilizer
RA Spurway, JL Wheeler and DA Hedges
pp. 619-628
EA9740629Effect of height of cutting on the regrowth of rape
RA Spurway, JL Wheeler and DA Hedges
pp. 629-631
EA9740632Persistence of several annual legumes in mixtures under continuous grazing in the south west of Western Australia
GB Taylor and RC Rossiter
pp. 632-639
EA9740649 Response of subterranean clover to rock phosphates as affected by particle size and depth of mixing in the soil
AM Alston and KW Chin
pp. 649-655
EA9740666Further sources of resistance to common root rot (Cochliobolus sativus) of wheat
GB Wildermuth
pp. 666-670
EA9740671Influence of nitrogen nutrition and watering regime on the nitrogen concentration and quality of tobacco leaves
AD Johnson and RW Knowlton
pp. 671-676
EA9740677Effects of foliar application of magnesium sulphate on the quality and magnesium content of flue-cured tobacco
A Pinkerton and PN Person
pp. 677-683
EA9740684Utility of a simple soil water budget model in agronomic research. 3. Estimation of the potential evapotranspiration function
RG Fawcett and OG Carter
pp. 684-688
EA9740694Relationship between certain physical and chemical properties and subsoil friability in Lemnos loam
EH Mikhail and WI Walbran
pp. 694-697
EA9740702Chilling requirements of the apple cultivar Stoke Red
WK Thompson, DG Nichols and DL Jones
pp. 702-704