Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 29 Number 4 1989
EA9890497Residues of DDT and dieldrin in the subcutaneous fat and butterfat of cattle
JHP Dingle, WA Palmer and RR Black
pp. 497-501
EA9890503 Wool growth of pregnant Merino ewes fed to maintain maternal liveweight
AJ Williams and J Butt
pp. 503-507
EA9890509Fostering in sheep: an exploratory comparison of several approaches
G Alexander, D Stevens and LR Bradley
pp. 509-512
EA9890513Maternal interest in lambs smeared with polar and nonpolar substances
G Alexander, BS Goodrich, D Stevens and LR Bradley
pp. 513-515
EA9890523Effect of closing date and harvest date on yield and quality of a perennial ryegrass-white clover sward in spring
JM Belton, PJ Michell and WJ Fulkerson
pp. 523-526
EA9890527Sulphur and phosphorus fertilizers increase the yield of barrel medic (Medicago truncatula) five-fold in native pasture on a traprock soil
NM Clarkson, IF Swann and NP Chaplain
pp. 527-531
EA9890541Comparison of sewage ash, crushed limestone and cement kiln dust as ameliorants for acid soils
PR Dann, BS Dear and RB Cunningham
pp. 541-549
EA9890551Effects of urea and flutriafol on germination, coleptile length and establishment of wheat and barley
BJ Radford, WM Strong and GB Wilderminth
pp. 551-557
EA9890559The incidence of crown rot in wheat, barley and triticale when sown on two dates
TA Klein, LW Burgess and FW Ellison
pp. 559-563
EA9890569Timing of nitrogen application to macadamias. 1. Tree nitrogen status and vegetative growth
RA Stephenson and EC Gallagher
pp. 569-574
EA9890575Timing of nitrogen application to macadamias. 2. Storage carbohydrates
RA Stephenson, TS Rasmussen and EC Gallagher
pp. 575-579
EA9890581Timing of nitrogen application to macadamias. 3. Reproductive growth, yield and quality
RA Stephenson and EC Gallagher
pp. 581-585
EA9890587Effect of season (vegetative flushing) and leaf position on the leaf nutrient composition of Annona spp. hybrid cv. Pink's Mammoth in south-eastern Queensland
AP George, RJ Nissen and ML Carseldine
pp. 587-595
EA9890597 Comparison of 10 clones of the potato cultivar, Kennebec
PC Strange and KW Blackmore
pp. 597-600