Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 36 Number 8 1996
EA9960915Farming systems in the Australian semi-arid tropics-a recent history
AL Chapman, JD Sturtz, AL Cogle, WS Mollah and RJ Bateman
pp. 915-928
EA9960937Nitrogen supply to no-tillage crops, as influenced by mulch type, soil type and season, following pasture leys in the semi-arid tropics
JP Dimes, RL McCown and PG Saffigna
pp. 937-946
EA9960947Legume-based pasture options for the live cattle trade from the Australian semi-arid tropics
WH Winter, RL McCown and D Zuill
pp. 947-955
EA9960957No-tillage planters for heavy-textured Alfisols in the semi-arid tropics of Australia
NS Gould, DCI Peake and NP Dalgliesh
pp. 957-970
EA9960971Coping with soil and climatic hazards during crop establishment in the semi-arid tropics
DG Abrecht and KL Bristow
pp. 971-983
EA9960985Nitrogen inputs from a pasture legume in rotations with cereals in the semi-arid tropics of northern Australia: experimentation and modelling on a clay loam soil
RK Jones, ME Probert, NP Dalgliesh and RL McCown
pp. 985-994
EA9960995Comparison of no-tillage and conventional tillage in the development of sustainable farming systems in the semi-arid tropics
K Thiagalingam, NP Dalgliesh, NS Gould, RL McCown, AL Cogle and AL Chapman
pp. 995-1002
EA9961003 Surface runoff, soil and nutrient losses from farming systems in the Australian semi-arid tropics
M Dilshad, JA Motha and LJ Peel
pp. 1003-1012
EA9961025Operational aspects of ley farming systems in the semi-arid tropics of northern Australia: a review
SJ Yeates, DG Abrecht, TP Price, WS Mollah and P Hausler
pp. 1025-1035
EA9961037Simulation of a legume ley farming system in northern Australia using the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator
PS Carberry, RL McCown, RC Muchow, JP Dimes, ME Probert, PL Poulton and NP Dalgliesh
pp. 1037-1048
EA9961049Conservation tillage and ley farming in the semi-arid tropics of northern Australia - some economic aspects
GWM Kirby, VJ Hristova and S Murti
pp. 1049-1057
EA9961059Commercial experience in developing ley farming systems for the Katherine-Darwin region, Northern Territory
TP Price, F O'Gara, ESC Smith, R Pitkethley and P Hausler
pp. 1059-1067