Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 39 Number 4 1999
EA98176Turnips and protein supplements for lactating dairy cows
P. J. Moate, C. Grainger, D. E. Dalley, K. Martin, J. R. Roche and M. Hannah
pp. 389-400
EA98056Is there a specific weakness in staple strength around the break of season?
N. R. Adams, D. G. Masters, A. C. Schlink, G. Mata and T. O'Dea
pp. 401-409
EA98061Implications for the conservation of genetic diversity in mohair goats from a comparison of a relic island population with breeds farmed in Australia
T. G. Balasingham, N. A. Robinson and B. A. McGregor
pp. 411-418
EA98161Changes in the botanical composition and nutritive characteristics of pasture, and nutrient selection by dairy cows grazing rainfed pastures in western Victoria
J. L. Jacobs, F. R. McKenzie and G. N. Ward
pp. 419-428
EA98127Physiological adaptations of Hymenachne amplexicaulis to flooding
H. Kibbler and L. M. Bahnisch
pp. 429-435
EA98128Distribution of Hymenachne acutigluma (Steudel) Guilliland in ponded pasture is limited by photosynthetic response to temperature
H. Kibbler and L. M. Bahnisch
pp. 437-443
EA99014Changes in soil chemical and physical properties following legumes and opportunity cropping on a cracking clay soil
R. D. Armstrong, B. J. Kuskopf, G. Millar, A. M. Whitbread and J. Standley
pp. 445-456
EA98097Mobility and persistence of three sulfonylurea herbicides in alkaline cropping soils of south-eastern Australia
I. D. Black, R. N. Pederson, A. Flynn, M. Moerkerk, C. B. Dyson, R. Kookana and N. Wilhelm
pp. 465-472
EA98067Identification of pollen donors for the sweet cherry cultivars ‘Stella’ and ‘Summit’ by isozyme analysis
B. Brant, A. R. Granger, J. Witherspoon and G. G. Collins
pp. 473-477
EA98172Bacterial blotch of melons caused by strains of Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli
R. G. O'Brien and H. L. Martin
pp. 479-485
EA98164Effect of fungicides, seaweed extracts, tea tree oil, and fungal agents on fruit rot and yield in strawberry
W. S. Washington, S. Engleitner, G. Boontjes and N. Shanmuganathan
pp. 487-494
EA98106Broadcasting phosphate fertilisers produces higher yields of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) than band-placement on coastal sands
M. A. Hegney and I. R. McPharlin
pp. 495-503