Nutrients digestibility, microbial protein synthesis and rumen and blood parameters in sheep feeding grape pomace treated with Neurospora sitophila
Mohammad Hasanzadeh A , Omid Dayani

A Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, 7616914111 Iran.
B Department of Animal Science, Ilam Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Ilam, 6931773835 Iran.
Animal Production Science 63(6) 570-578
Submitted: 29 June 2022 Accepted: 3 November 2022 Published: 28 November 2022
© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing
Context: Agricultural by-products such as grape pomace (GP), could form an important component of ruminant diets.
Aims: The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of treating GP with Neurospora sitophila on chemical composition, digestibility, nitrogen balance, rumen, and blood parameters.
Methods: Twenty-four adult Kermani rams were allocated to one of three treatments arranged as a completely randomised design for a 26-day period. The first 21 days were for adaptation, and the last 5 days were for sample collection. The animals were placed in individual cages equipped with a urine–faeces separator. They were fed with (1) a basal diet without GP (control), (2) a basal diet with 20% of untreated grape pomace (UGP), and (3) a basal diet with 20% of N. sitophila-treated grape pomace (TGP).
Key results: Treating GP increased the percentages of crude protein (CP), lignin and rumen-degradable protein (RDP; P < 0.01), but decreased rumen-undegradable protein (RUP; P < 0.05) and total phenols and tannins (P < 0.01). Nutrient digestibility in the TGP- and UGP-supplemented groups was lower than that in the control group (P < 0.05). The mean excretion of allantoin (P < 0.05), xanthine plus hypoxanthine (P < 0.01), total purine derivatives (P < 0.05), and microbial protein synthesis (P < 0.05) were lower in the sheep fed UGP than in the control group. The acetate (P < 0.01), propionate and total volatile fatty acids (P < 0.05) in rumen fluid were the highest in the control group. The UGP-supplemented group had a higher rumen pH and a lower NH3-N concentration than did other groups, 1.5 h after feed intake. Also, blood glucose and urea nitrogen in animals fed UGP were lower than in those in other groups (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: Treating of GP with N. sitophila fungus increases the CP and RDP and reduces the adverse effects of GP on ruminal kinetics.
Implications: The GP that has been exposed and treated with N. sitophila may provide a suitable supplementary feed for ruminants when incorporated into diets at rates of up to 20%.
Keywords: degradable protein, fungus, grape pomace, microbial nitrogen, Neurospora sitophila, phenol, purine derivative, sheep, tannin.
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