This Research Front presents papers describing meat standards in animal production. Last Updated: 02 Jul 2007
EA05114Regrouping unfamiliar animals in the weeks prior to slaughter has few effects on physiology and meat quality in Bos taurus feedlot steers I. G. Colditz, D. M. Ferguson, P. L. Greenwood, V. J. Doogan, J. C. Petherick and R. J. Kilgour pp. 763-769
EA05212Effect of reduced lairage duration on beef quality D. M. Ferguson, F. D. Shaw and J. L. Stark pp. 770-773
EA05213Effect of cattle marketing method on beef quality and palatability D. M. Ferguson, R. D. Warner, P. J. Walker and B. Knee pp. 774-781
EA05155Acute stress induced by the preslaughter use of electric prodders causes tougher beef meat R. D. Warner, D. M. Ferguson, J. J. Cottrell and B. W. Knee pp. 782-788