Average daily gain in lambs grazing mixed annual forage species compared with single species and relationship to feed on offer
E. H. Clayton

Annual forage crops provide high-quality fodder for livestock during typical autumn and winter feed-gaps in the south-east of Australia and benefits through rotations in cropping systems. While benefits from intercropping with cereals and pasture or mixing canola and peas have been studied in Australia, the potential animal-production benefits of grazing mixed annual species forage crops have not been examined.
To determine average daily gain (ADG) and rumen fluid parameters when sheep graze mixtures of annual fodder crops compared with a single species.
Ninety six Dorset × Border Leicester × Merino lambs (mean = 44.3 ± 0.55 kg) were allocated to one of the following four treatment groups (n = 24/treatment) on the basis of sex and liveweight; a single species brassica control (canola) (Br) or annual forage species mixes containing brassica (canola, turnip, radish) and cereal (wheat, cereal rye) (B + C), brassica and legume (vetch, arrowleaf clove) (B + L) or brassica, cereal and legume (B + C + L). Liveweight and rumen fluid parameters were assessed prior to grazing and again 21 and 35 days after the commencement of grazing.
Mean ADG from Day 0 to Day 21 was lower for female, but not male, lambs grazing the Br control (231 ± 23 g head−1 day−1) than for those grazing any forage mix (B + C = 292 ± 23 g head−1 day−1, B + L = 296 ± 23 g head−1 day−1, B + C + L = 310 ± 22 g head−1 day−1). Liveweight change over 35 days of grazing was not different between any forage mixtures. Rumen fluid pH was higher (P < 0.001) for sheep grazing forages containing cereals (B + C = 6.97 ± 0.06, B + C + L = 6.86 ± 0.06) than for those grazing brassica or legume (Br = 6.59 ± 0.06, B + L = 6.68 ± 0.06). Total volatile fatty acid concentration was lower and rumen pH was higher when sheep grazed B + C than when they grazed any other forage mix.
The higher ADG in females grazing mixtures than in those grazing the Br was related to higher dry matter on offer. Further research should determine whether the lower pH observed when sheep grazed brassica and legume than when grazing mixes containing cereals is associated with subacute rumen acidosis and reduced fibre degradation and forage energy utilisation.
Mixed forage species can provide higher DM on offer and ADG. Improved rumen efficiency could be related to improved growth.
Keywords: annual fodder crops, dry matter, efficiency, methane, production, rumen parameters, weight gain.
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