Use of electrolyte and betaine water supplementation to support improved liveweight gain of commercial Pekin ducks exposed to adverse high temperature in the week prior to processing
J. A. Downing
Commercial Pekin Ducks housed in conventional open-sided sheds often experience heat stress in summer. Electrolyte or osmolyte supplements can help birds cope under heat stress.
To assess the effects of water electrolyte/betaine supplementation or betaine in feed on the growth performance of Pekin ducks exposed to high ambient temperature.
Commercial Cherry Valley Pekin ducks were fed diets with a dietary electrolyte balance (DEB) of 160 (L-DEB) or 209 (H-DEB) over Days 15–41 (D15–41) of age. Over D36–41, ducks were provided with water alone or supplemented with betaine in the feed (BF), or betaine and an ‘in-house’ electrolyte (E) formulation at 50%, 100% or 150% (D36–41) or at 100% for only 36 h on D40–41. There were 12 treatments with four replicate pens for each treatment. On D36–41 of age, temperature was increased to 28–32°C for 9 h (from 08:30 hours to 17:30 hours) and then returned to 22–24°C for the remainder of the day. Individual liveweights were taken on D28, D35, D41. During these times, feed intake and water consumption were determined. On D41, one male and one female from each pen were weighed, euthanised and breast muscle was removed and weighed. Birds were collected for commercial processing at 04:00 hours on D42.
Over D15–35, the DEB had no effect on bird performance. Over D36–41, for liveweight gain (LWG) there were significant interactions between treatment × week (P < 0.001) and treatment × diet (P = 0.017). Supplements E150 and E100 + 36 h supported LWG more than did other treatments, while treatments BF, E50 and E100 supported higher LWG than in controls. On the L-DEB diet, the control birds had a LWG lower than in other treatments (P < 0.05). On the H-DEB diet, the E50 supplement had highest LWG, but comparable to that in E100 + 36 h. The supplements had no effects on breast muscle yield, weight losses during transport and lairage or processed carcass weights.
The electrolyte supplements supported higher LWG during exposure to moderately adverse high temperature. Supply for 36 h supported LWG equivalent or better than did other treatments given over 6 days. The benefits could be related to increased water intake and not just electrolyte supply.
Water electrolyte plus betaine supplementation supports improved Pekin duck performance during a moderately high temperature challenge.
Keywords: breast muscle weight, heat stress, liveweight gain, Pekin ducks, water intake.
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