The impact of QTL sharing and properties on multi-breed GWAS in cattle: a simulation study
Irene van den Berg
A Agriculture Victoria, AgriBio, Centre for AgriBioscience, 5 Ring Road, Bundoora, Vic. 3083, Australia.
B School of Applied Systems Biology, La Trobe University, 5 Ring Road, Bundoora, Vic. 3083, Australia.
Animal Production Science 63(11) 996-1007
Submitted: 14 December 2022 Accepted: 13 March 2023 Published: 6 April 2023
© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND)
Context: Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and meta-analyses can be used to detect variants that affect quantitative traits. Multi-breed GWAS may lead to increased power and precision compared with within-breed GWAS. However, not all causal variants segregate in all breeds, and variants that segregate in multiple breeds may have different allele frequencies in different breeds. It is not known how differences in minor allele frequency (MAF) affect multi-breed GWAS and meta-analyses.
Aims: Our aim was to study the impact of differences in MAF at causal variants on mapping power and precision.
Methods: We used real imputed sequence data to simulate quantitative traits in three dairy cattle breeds. Causal variants (QTN) were simulated according to the following three scenarios: variants with a similar MAF in all breeds, variants with a lower MAF in one breed than the other, and variants that each only segregated in one of the breeds. We analysed the simulated quantitative traits with three methods to compare mapping power and precision: within-breed GWAS, multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis.
Key results: Our results indicated that the multi-breed analyses (multi-breed GWAS or meta-analysis) detected similar or more QTN than did within-breed GWAS, with improved mapping precision in most scenarios. However, when MAF differed between breeds, or variants were breed specific, the advantage of the multi-breed analyses over within breed GWAS decreased. Regardless of the type of QTN (similar MAF in all breeds, different MAF in different breeds, or only segregating in one breed), multi-breed GWAS and meta-analyses performed similar or better than did within-breed GWAS, demonstrating the benefits of multi-breed GWAS. We did not find large differences between the results obtained with the meta-analysis and multi-breed GWAS, confirming that a meta-analysis can be a suitable approximation of a multi-breed GWAS.
Conclusions: Our results showed that multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis generally detect more QTN with improved precision than does within-breed GWAS, and that even with differences in MAF, multi-breed analyses did not perform worse than within-breed GWAS.
Implications: Our study confirmed the benefits of multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis.
Keywords: allele frequency, dairy cattle, GWAS, meta-analysis, multi-breed, QTL detection, quantitative traits, within breed.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and meta-analyses can be used to detect variants that affect quantitative traits (Bouwman et al. 2018; Jiang et al. 2019) and to select predictive markers that can improve the accuracy of genomic prediction (Brøndum et al. 2015; VanRaden et al. 2017; Xiang et al. 2019). Multi-breed GWAS with sequence data may lead to increased power and precision compared with within-breed GWAS (van den Berg et al. 2016a). The inclusion of predictive sequence markers selected from GWAS can be especially beneficial for across-breed (Raymond et al. 2018a) and multi-breed genomic prediction (Raymond et al. 2018b). Furthermore, variants selected from a multi-breed GWAS can result in higher prediction accuracies than variants selected from within-breed GWAS (van den Berg et al. 2016b). However, not all causal variants segregate in all breeds (Raven et al. 2014; Kemper et al. 2015), and variants that segregate in multiple breeds may not have the same allele frequency in each breed. Furthermore, some regions may contain multiple causal variants that do not always segregate in all breeds. It is not known how differences in minor allele frequency (MAF) affect multi-breed GWAS and meta-analyses. Therefore, we simulated scenarios where causal variants had similar or different MAF in three dairy cattle breeds, and compared detection power and precision of within-breed GWAS, multi-breed GWAS and multi-breed meta-analysis.
Materials and methods
We used real genotype data for 66 739 Holstein (HOL), 13 398 Jersey (JER) and 5536 Australian Red (RED) individuals, including imputed sequence data and Illumina BovineHD BeadChip genotypes (HD). A detailed description of the imputation pipeline has been provided in van den Berg et al. (2022). Animals were genotyped at various single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array densities. First, animals imputed with a low-density SNP panel were imputed to the Illumina Bovine 50K panel by using a mixed-breed imputation reference set, containing 14 722 HOL, JER and RED animals. Subsequently, all animals were imputed from 50K to HD, with a reference population of 2700 animals (HOL, JER and RED), and HD to whole genome-sequence level, by using a reference population of 5490 Bos taurus cattle from Run8 of the 1000 Bulls Genome Project (Daetwyler et al. 2014; Hayes and Daetwyler 2019). Imputation up to HD was performed using Fimpute v.3 (Sargolzaei et al. 2014) and sequence imputation was performed using Minimac4 (Das et al. 2016) and Eagle v.2.4.1 (Loh et al. 2016). All imputation was undertaken using multi-breed reference populations, because previous studies (Bouwman and Veerkamp 2014; Brøndum et al. 2014; Pausch et al. 2017) have shown that multi-breed imputation tends to result in a very similar or slightly higher imputation accuracy than does within-breed imputation. For this study, we used sequence variants only on Chromosome 1 and the 616 807 HD variants on Chromosomes 1–29. After removing sequence variants with an imputation r2 computed by Minimac4 lower than 0.4, there were 1 277 974 sequence variants retained on Chromosome 1, with a minor allele frequency (MAF) larger than 0 (for all breeds considered together). We used GCTA (Yang et al. 2011) to make a genomic relationship matrix (GRM) of the HD genotypes and performed a principal-component analysis (PCA) to check the breed identity present in the dataset. Based on the PCA (Supplementary material Fig. S1), we removed HOL with PC1 > 0.0001 or PC2 > 0.005, JER with PC1 < 0.0055 or PC2 > 0.005 and RED with PC1 > 0.004 or PC2 < 0.005. After this, there were 66 710 HOL, 13 291 JER and 5385 RED remaining.
To simulate the causal variants, or quantitative-trait nucleotides (QTN), we first divided Chromosome 1 in five causal regions of 11.6 Mb each, each separated by 20 Mb windows. The causal regions were located between 10 565 483 and 22 158 125 bp, 42 158 125 and 53 750 767 bp, 73 750 767 and 85 343 409 bp, 105 343 409 and 116 936 051 bp and 136 936 051 and 148 528 693 bp. We simulated 100 QTN by randomly selecting HD variants from Chromosomes 2–29, and 5 or 15 QTN on Chromosome 1 according to the following scenarios (Fig. 1):
Similar MAF: 5 QTN on Chromosome 1, one per causal region, with similar MAF in all breeds:
Common: MAF > 0.01 in all breeds
Low: MAF 0.001–0.01 in all breeds
Rare: MAF > 0–0.001 in all breeds
Different MAF: 5 QTN on Chromosome 1, one per causal region, QTN were either rare (MAF > 0–0.001) or fixed (MAF = 0) in one breed and had a MAF > 0.001 in the other two breeds:
RareH: rare (MAF > 0–0.001) in HOL, and MAF > 0.001 in JER and RED
RareJ: rare (MAF > 0–0.001) in JER, and MAF > 0.001 in HOL and RED
RareR: rare (MAF > 0–0.001) in RED, and MAF > 0.001 in HOL and JER
FixedH: fixed (MAF = 0) in HOL, and MAF > 0.001 in JER and RED
FixedJ: fixed (MAF = 0) in JER, and MAF > 0.001 in HOL and RED
Breed-specific: 15 QTN on Chromosome 1, three per causal region, one segregating only in HOL (MAF > 0.001 in HOL, and MAF = 0 in JER and RED), one only in JER (MAF > 0.001 in JER, and MAF = 0 in HOL and JER) and one only in RED (MAF > 0.001 in RED and MAF = 0 in HOL and JER).
Phenotypes based on the selected QTN were simulated using the ‘simu-qt’ and ‘simu-causal-loci’ functions in GCTA (Yang et al. 2011), with a heritability of 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5. Each scenario was repeated 10 times. In all scenarios, the simulated effect was the same in all breeds. In the different MAF scenarios, we did not simulate a scenario where QTN were fixed in RED and had a MAF > 0.001 in HOL and JER, because insufficient variants fulfilled this MAF requirement. We randomly selected 5385 HOL and 5385 JER (same sample size as REDs) in each scenario to equalise detection power across breeds, so that the GWAS results were not confounded by very different breed proportions.
Association mapping methods
For each repeat, we performed a GWAS within each breed, a multi-breed GWAS combining the three breeds and a meta-analyses using the METAL software (Willer et al. 2010) that combined the three within breed GWAS (METAL). GCTA (Yang et al. 2011) was used for the within breed and multi-breed GWAS, fitting a GRM in all GWAS, and a breed effect in the multi-breed GWAS. For each GWAS, a GRM was constructed following Yang et al. (2011) on the basis of all autosomal HD variants and all individuals included in that GWAS (i.e. the within-breed GWAS used a GRM constructed using only genotypes of individuals of that breed, whereas the multi-breed GWAS used a multi-breed GRM). For the meta-analysis, we used the weighted Z-score model in METAL (Willer et al. 2010), using the P-value, direction of effect and sample size from the within-breed GWAS as input parameters. Subsequently, we did a conditional and joint analysis (COJO; Yang et al. 2012) on the summary statistics of the within-breed and multi-breed GWAS and the meta-analysis, to estimate the number of independent QTN signals.
Mapping-method evaluation
For the evaluation of the mapping methods, we considered the sequence variants only on Chromosome 1. All variants with a P-value ≤ 5 × 10−8 were declared significant. Quantitative train loci (QTL) intervals were constructed by first ranking all variants from smallest and largest P-value, and then grouping variants within 0.5 Mb distance of each other and a −log10(P) value of at least 2/3rd that of the most significant variant in the interval. The interval size is then defined by the minimum and maximum position of all variants included in the QTL interval.
To assess the three mapping methods (within-breed GWAS, multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis), we evaluated the results on the basis of the following criteria:
nQTN_SIGN = the number of significant QTN
nQTN_QTL = the number of QTN located in QTL intervals
nQTN_COJO = number of QTN selected by COJO
size_QTL = the size of QTL intervals
distQTN_TOP = the distance between each QTN located in a QTL interval and the most significant variant in that QTL interval
distQTN_COJO = the distance between each QTN and the closest COJO variant (only if a COJO variant was selected in the causal region in which the QTN was located)
propQTL_false = the proportion of QTL intervals that did not contain a QTN
nCOJO_causal = the number of variants selected by COJO per causal region
nCOJO_window = the number of variants selected by COJO per window between causal regions
For the within-breed GWAS, nQTN_SIGN, nQTN_QTL and nQTN_COJO were calculated as the number of unique QTN detected in the three within-breed GWAS (i.e. if the same QTN was significant both in HOL and in JER, it counted only as 1, but if one QTN was significant in HOL and a different QTN in JER, it counted as 2). Similarly, nCOJO_causal and nCOJO_window represent the number of unique variants detected by COJO per causal region (or window); hence, if a COJO selects a different variant in HOL than in JER in the same region (window), nCOJO_causal (nCOJO_window) equals 2. When comparing between two analyses (i.e. within-breed GWAS and multi-breed GWAS), distQTN_TOP was calculated only if there was a QTL interval containing the QTN in both analyses. Similarly, distQTN_COJO was estimated only when, in both analyses, COJO selected a variant in the window in which the QTN was simulated.
In most scenarios, the multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis both detected similar or more QTN than did within-breed GWAS, with more precise mapping. The overall trend was the same regardless of heritability. Therefore, here we show more details for the results obtained with a heritability of 0.3, and full results, including the scenarios with heritabilities of 0.1 and 0.5, can be found in Supplementary material Tables S1–S3.
Similar MAF
When the simulated QTN had a similar MAF in the three breeds, the multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis both resulted in improved power (higher nQTN_SIGN, nQTN_QTL) and precision (smaller size_QTL and distQTN_TOP) compared with within-breed GWAS (Fig. 2). For example, with a heritability of 0.3 and a low MAF, the within-breed GWAS detected 1.3 QTN in the QTL intervals, with an average interval size of 548 Kb, while the multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis detected 1.8 QTN and 1.7 QTN, with an average interval size of 306 and 292 Kb respectively. For scenarios with a heritability of 0.1 and 0.3, the proportion of false positives (propQTL_false) was lower in the multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis than within breed, while there was no consistent difference with a heritability of 0.5 (Table S1, Fig. 2). While nQTN_COJO was larger in the multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis than within breed, there was no consistent difference for distQTN_COJO, nCOJO_causal and nCOJO_window (Table S1, Fig. 3). Fig. 4 shows details of a repeat of the scenario where all QTN had a common MAF, with a heritability of 0.3, where none of the within breed GWAS detected any significant variants, while the multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis detected 2 QTN in QTL intervals, and 1 QTN was selected by COJO.
Different MAF
In the different MAF scenarios, the multi-breed GWAS resulted in improved power (higher nQTN_SIGN, nQTN_QTL and nQTN_COJO), while there was no consistent difference between the within-breed GWAS and meta-analysis (Figs 5, 6, Table S2). For example, with a heritability of 0.3 and QTN with a rare MAF in one breed, nQTN_SIGN equalled 1.77 in the multi-breed GWAS, 1.47 in the within breed GWAS and 1.37 in the meta-analysis. In the multi-breed and meta-analysis precision improved (smaller size_QTL and distQTN_TOP) compared with within breed (Fig. 5), whereas the additional COJO analyses resulted in no consistent difference in precision observed for distQTN_COJO, nCOJO_causal and nCOJO_window (Fig. 6, Table S2). While differences were small, propQTL_false was slightly smaller in the meta-analysis than in either of the GWAS (Fig. 5). Fig. 7 shows an example of one replicate of the rareJ scenario, highlighting QTN with a MAF of 0.004, 0.0008 and 0.008 in HOL, JER and RED respectively. This QTN was detected in the within-breed GWAS for both HOL (P = 2.0 × 10−10) and RED (P = 5.9 × 10−20), but was not significant in JER (P = 8.3 × 10−6). The multi-breed GWAS or meta-analysis resulted in decreased P-values for the causal variant, down to 3.2 × 10−33 and 9.7 × 10−31 respectively. Furthermore, while the QTN was the most significant variant in all of the analyses, there were nine variants with the same P-value in the within-breed JER and RED GWAS, and only three in the HOL GWAS and multi-breed and meta-analyses.
Breed specific
When causal variants were specific to one breed only, there were only minimal, inconsistent differences in nQTN_SIGN, nQTN_QTL, nQTN_COJO, distQTN_COJO and between within-breed and multi-breed analyses (Figs 8, 9, Table S3). Smaller values of size_QTL, distQTN_TOP and propQTL_false were obtained with the multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis than within breed (Figs 8, 9), and nCOJO_causal and nCOJO_windows were larger in the meta-analysis than in either the within- or multi-breed GWAS (Fig. 9). Fig. 10 shows a replicate for one QTL region where the two different QTN segregating in JER and RED were detected both by the within-breed GWAS, multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis. Visually, the JER and RED QTN appeared to be part of the same QTN in the multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis. The third simulated QTN segregating in HOL was not detected in any of the analyses.
Our results showed that multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis tend to detect more QTN with improved precision than does within-breed GWAS, if QTN have a similar MAF. This is in agreement with previous studies in dairy cattle with real production phenotypes (van den Berg et al. 2016a, 2020; Marete et al. 2018; Teissier et al. 2018), which suggested that multi-breed analyses had a higher power and precision to detect some QTL than did within-breed analyses. However, in real data, the causal variants are seldom known a priori, so we cannot know what proportion of causal variants are shared or what their MAF is in different breeds. In different MAF and breed-specific scenarios, the advantage of the multi-breed analyses over within-breed GWAS decreased. When QTN segregate only in one breed, a multi-breed GWAS or meta-analysis did not lead to an increase in power for that QTN, explaining the limited advantage of multi-breed analyses over within-breed analyses in the breed-specific scenarios. In theory, precision might still be improved because LD is conserved over shorter distances across breeds than within breed (De Roos et al. 2008). This may occur when the QTN is not segregating in one breed, but variants nearby that are in high LD with the QTN in another breed in which it segregates, do segregate in the first breed. In this scenario, the variants near the QTN may be highly significant in the within-breed GWAS of the breed in which the QTN segregates, but not in the other breed. Consequently, the P-values of those variants close to the QTN would become less significant in the multi-breed GWAS, resulting in a narrower peak. Indeed, the size of QTL intervals and distance between each QTN located in a QTL interval and the most significant variant in that QTL interval were smaller for the multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis than for the within-breed GWAS, even in the breed-specific scenarios. Because the majority of causal variants (QTN) in dairy cattle are unknown, we cannot verify how realistic the simulated scenarios are. However, there are examples of shared QTN across breeds (Gautier et al. 2007), as well as QTN in beef cattle that are in and around the gene encoding myostatin but are completely different mutations (Bellinge et al. 2005). On the basis of the allele frequencies of the sequence variants observed in the breeds in our simulation (Fig. S2), there are substantially more variants (44%) that had a similar MAF in all three breeds, than variants that were rare (15%) or fixed (11%) in one breed but not in the other two breeds, or were breedspecific (9%). Hence, it seems realistic that some QTN are likely to fall into each of these categories. Regardless of the type of QTN, multi-breed GWAS and meta-analyses performed similar or better than within-breed GWAS, demonstrating the benefits of multi-breed GWAS.
A previous study using real data showed that unbalanced sample size between different breeds contributing to a multi-breed GWAS appeared to result in a GWAS being dominated by the breed with largest sample size (van den Berg et al. 2016a), with QTL detected within breeds with smaller population sizes overshadowed in the multi-breed GWAS by a nearby QTL detected in the breed with largest population size. In our study, we wanted to investigate the effect of MAF independent of differences in sample sizes. In reality, it will be generally preferable to maximise mapping power and use the maximum dataset. The weights used in a meta-analyses could be used to account for differences in sample size. A further study could investigate how differences in MAF at the QTN in combination with differences in sample size affect a multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis.
Our simulation assumed that QTN have the same effect in all breeds. However, given the small number of confirmed causal mutations, we do not know whether QTN generally have the same effect in different breeds or not. QTN involved in gene × gene or gene × environment interactions, may have different effects in different breeds, which would reduce the power of multi-breed GWAS. Results from a multi-breed GWAS of fat percentage and protein percentage in dairy cattle showed that the majority of QTL had the same direction of effect in all within-population GWAS they were detected (van den Berg et al. 2020). This suggests that, while the magnitude of effects may differ among breeds, QTN are likely to at least have the same direction of effect in multiple populations of the same species.
A caveat of this study is that we included all QTN in the GWAS. In reality, even when using sequence data, it is likely that at least a portion of the QTN are not included in the GWAS, for example, because of filtering on allele frequency or imputation accuracy, or because most sequence datasets exclude larger structural variants. Because LD is conserved over shorter distances across breeds than within breeds (De Roos et al. 2008), not having the QTN in the dataset and relying on LD between the QTN and other variants nearby may reduce the potential advantage of multi-breed analyses over within-breed analyses.
Overall, we did not find large differences between the results obtained with the meta-analysis and those from multi-breed GWAS, which is in agreement with previously reported results for real milk production traits in dairy cattle (van den Berg et al. 2016a; Teissier et al. 2018). Hence, a meta-analysis can be a suitable approximation of a multi-breed GWAS when within-breed GWAS summary statistics are available, but not the phenotypes and genotypes required for a multi-breed GWAS. Another advantage of the meta-analysis is the reduced computational demand. The multi-breed GWAS took between 7 and 53 h to complete (running on 20 threads), whereas the time taken for the meta-analysis included 40–90 min for each within-breed GWAS (on 20 threads) and less than a minute for the meta-analysis itself.
COJO is an attractive method to reduce the number of significant variants selected by GWAS and have an estimate of the number of independent signals affecting a quantitative trait (Yang et al. 2012). In our simulation study, detection power was insufficient to detect all QTN, which is realistic for quantitative traits where many effects are small and require very large sample sizes for detection (Yengo et al. 2022), especially with the lower heritabilities. Consequently, in this situation, COJO tended to underestimate the number of independent signals. Our results also highlighted that the variants selected by COJO are not necessarily the QTN. This can be explained by the extensive LD found in dairy cattle (De Roos et al. 2008), resulting in many sequence variants associated with the same QTL region. Differences in imputation accuracy and association with other QTN may result in variants near the QTN being more significant than the QTN. Consequently, COJO might select the more significant variant rather than the true QTN. Hence, when undertaking a GWAS to select potential causal variants for further validation studies, it is likely to be better to select several variants per QTL region rather than restrict the selection to the most significant variant per peak or variants selected by COJO.
Our results showed that multi-breed GWAS and meta-analysis generally detect more QTN with improved precision than do within-breed GWAS, particularly if QTN have a similar MAF. However, when allele frequencies differed among breeds, or variants were breed-specific, the advantage of the multi-breed analyses over within-breed GWAS decreased. Regardless of the type of QTN, multi-breed GWAS and meta-analyses performed similarly or better than did within-breed GWAS, demonstrating the benefits of multi-breed GWAS. Additionally, our results obtained with the meta-analysis and multi-breed GWAS were generally not very different; thus, a meta-analysis can be a suitable approximation of a balanced multi-breed GWAS when within-breed GWAS summary statistics are available or reduced computational demand is important.
Supplementary material
Supplementary material is available online.
Data availability
The data used to generate the results in this paper are not publicly available.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Declaration of funding
This study was undertaken as part of the DairyBio program, which is jointly funded by Dairy Australia (Melbourne, Australia) and Agriculture Victoria (Melbourne, Australia) and The Gardiner Foundation (Melbourne, Australia).
This study was undertaken as part of the DairyBio program, which is jointly funded by Dairy Australia (Melbourne, Australia) and Agriculture Victoria (Melbourne, Australia) and The Gardiner Foundation (Melbourne, Australia). The authors extend their gratitude to Dr Tuan Nguyen and Dr Bolormaa Sunduimijid for imputation, and the farmers and DataGene (Bundoora, Australia) for access to some genotype data used in this study. We thank partners from the 1000 Bulls genomes project for access to Run8 data for imputation.
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