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Decline in root rot (Rhizoctonia solani AG-8) in wheat in a tillage and rotation experiment at Avon, South Australia

DK Roget

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 35(7) 1009 - 1013
Published: 1995


Studies of a tillage x rotation field experiment begun in 1978 at Avon, South Australia, have demonstrated a decline in rhizoctonia root rot of wheat. In direct-drilled treatments the severity of rhizoctonia root rot culminated in 1983, with patches of poor plant growth accounting for up to 46% of the crop area, and then declined to negligible levels by 1990. Disease severity was significantly less in cultivated than direct-drilled treatments. In cultivated treatments the onset of decline was more difficult to determine, but by 1990 there was negligible rhizoctonia root rot in either tillage treatment, with no increase in disease from 1990 to 1994. Decline in rhizoctonia root rot occurred largely independent of rotation, although there were significant differences in root damage and patch area between rotations, with disease generally being more severe in wheat following pasture than following peas, medic, or wheat. When inoculum of R. solani was added to soil collected from the experimental site in 1985, wheat grown in soil from direct-drilled plots had significantly less disease than wheat grown in soil from cultivated treatments, indicating a possible development of suppression.

© CSIRO 1995

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