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Ease of calving, growth and carcass characteristics of crossbred calves in the lower South East of South Australia

MPB Deland, RW Ponzoni and RW McNeil

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 23(122) 228 - 234
Published: 1983


Hereford, Charolais and Brahman sires were mated to Hereford, Shorthorn, Jersey and Friesian xshorthorn cows for four successive years from June 1969 at Struan Research Centre in South Australia. Assistance was given during 15 .9% of calvings resulting from Charolais sires, 6.8% resulting from Brahman sires and 2.1% from Hereford sires (differences statistically significant, P < 0 05). A greater percentage of Friesian x Shorthorn (13.8) than of Shorthorn (5.0) or Jersey (4 3) cows were assisted at birth (P< 0.05). There were no significant differences between the percentage of Hereford cows assisted (10.9) and that of any of the other dam breeds. There were no significant differences in calf mortality among sire breeds or among dam breeds. Charolais-sired calves were heavier at birth, 270,340 and 430 d old and had heavier (1 95 kg) carcasses with a smaller proportion of fat than Brahman- and Hereford-sired carcasses (180 and 167 kg respectively) at 430d old. Brahman-sired calves were heavier than Hereford-sired calves at birth, 370, 430 d old. However, they were significantly lighter at 270 d old. Hereford cows gave birth to significantly heavier calves than Shorthorn and Jersey cows but there were no clear differences due to dam breed in growth rates of calves, carcass weights or composition. It was concluded that the use of Charolais sires in the lower South East of South Australia can result in significant increases in the growth rate of slaughter cattle and in the production of leaner carcasses. Brahman sires did not exhibit clear advantages over Hereford sires. No definite conclusions could be drawn about the dam breeds examined in the study.

© CSIRO 1983

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