Husbandry of ratites and potential welfare issues: a review
P. C. Glatz A B and Z. H. Miao AA SARDI Livestock Systems, Roseworthy Campus, Roseworthy, SA 5371, Australia.
B Corresponding author. Email:
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 48(10) 1257-1265
Submitted: 12 April 2008 Accepted: 29 May 2008 Published: 11 September 2008
Since the mid-1980s, there has been worldwide farming of ratites, particularly with ostriches, emus and rheas for feathers, meat, skin and oil. Most of these ratites are produced commercially outside their native habitat. This has raised concerns about welfare, particularly whether birds are provided the five freedoms: food and water; shelter; health care; alleviation of pain and suffering; and the freedom of movement. This paper reviews the factors that influence bird welfare before hatch with breeder, egg and hatchery management and after hatch with brooding and rearing systems, stocking density, handling, transport, disease and slaughter. Assessment of bird welfare in each of the production sectors in the industry is based on how well the five freedoms are being met. The review identifies egg handling practices and hatchery hygiene that can have a major impact on the subsequent health of hatched chicks. In addition, feeding of appropriate diets, reducing stocking density and improving housing can improve bird health and freedom of movement. When the husbandry practice of toe trimming is not practiced according to the best practice method, chronic pain may result and impair walking ability of birds. Stress and injuries to birds can be reduced when birds are handled correctly on farm and in the lairage and are transported using appropriate vehicles. Farmers, transporters and abattoir staff can have a major impact on maintaining bird welfare if best practice farming systems and husbandry practices are implemented.
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