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Effects of cover crop and straw mulching on no-tillage, no-fertilised, direct-sown rice cropping systems

Young-Son Cho
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Ehime University Experimental Farm, Hattanji, Hojo-City, Ehime 799-2424, Japan. Current address: Ecophysiology Division, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Korea. Email:;

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 45(10) 1297-1305
Submitted: 7 September 2003  Accepted: 27 January 2005   Published: 15 November 2005


Field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of 4 rice farming systems (fallow, white clover (WC), rye and rye + WC) at 3 straw mulching levels (0, 500, 1000 g/m2) under no-till, direct-sown and unfertilised rice-based cropping systems in a temperate climate in Japan. From 1999 to 2001, white clover and rye were grown during winter (November–May) in Ehime Prefecture (33°57′N, 132°47′E, 15 m a.s.l.) to evaluate the effects on rice growth and yield-related characteristics. Seed germination was greatest in clover–rice cropping systems (60, 68%) followed by rye + WC–rice (56, 57%) for the 0 and 500 g/m2 mulching treatment, respectively. Rice yielded 1.26–4.12 t/ha in 2000 and 0.54–3.80 t/ha in 2001. Panicle number ranged from 84 to 248 and 47 to 323/m2 in 2000 and 2001, respectively. WC with light rice straw mulching in rotation with rice produced moderate rice yield in no-till, unfertilised, direct-sown rice-based cropping systems. Heavy mulching of rice straw in the WC and WC + rye is not recommended because it leads to a decrease in white clover biomass production. However, straw mulching in fallow–rice and rye–rice cropping systems is essential for improving seed germination and seedling establishment while providing nutrients to rice at later growth stages.


The author is grateful to the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) for financial support during 1999–2001, and to Drs Kazumasa Hidaka, Fusao Mizutani, Hideki Sugimoto, Hideto Ueno and Takuya Mineta and for their excellent technical help in chemical analysis of soil and plants.


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