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Phytotoxicity of metabolites produced by Pyrenophora semeniperda in liquid culture

M. A. Campbell, R. W. Medd and J. F. Brown

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 43(10) 1237 - 1244
Published: 25 November 2003


Pyrenophora semeniperda was shown to produce heat stable, biologically active metabolites under agitated liquid culture conditions. Using a seedling bioassay it was shown that filtrates harvested from Psemeniperda cultures had a significant impact on coleoptile length of both wheat and Bromus diandrus, but had no effect on seed germination. The relative toxicity of filtrates derived from several isolates of P. semeniperda and infiltrated into wheat leaves was highly correlated with the virulence of these isolates. A comparison of metabolites harvested from P. semeniperda and Pyrenophora teres grown under the same cultural conditions revealed that Pteres did not affect wheat coleoptile growth, but affected the coleoptile elongation of B. diandrus, although less than filtrates produced by P. semeniperda. Culture filtrates harvested after 6 days were toxic to wheat and Bdiandrus and toxicity was maximal in filtrates derived from cultures that were 12 days old. Culture filtrates diluted to 1 in 20 produced symptoms in wheat seedlings, but only undiluted or 5 × concentrated filtrates produced symptoms on Bdiandrus seedling leaves. Plants older than first node stage (Z 31) were significantly less sensitive to filtrate than younger plants. A degree of host selectivity to the metabolites was observed since leaves of Gossypium hirsutum, Helianthus annuus, Lablab purpureus and Xanthium occidentale were unaffected by infiltrates.

© CSIRO 2003

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