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Seed yield and nutritive value of dry, mature subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.)

Y. J. Ru and J. A. Fortune

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 41(2) 169 - 175
Published: 2001


The nutritive value of 26 cultivars of dry, mature subterranean clover was evaluated at Shenton Park, Perth, Western Australia. The cultivars were divided into 3 maturity groups according to flowering time and each cultivar was sown in blocks comprising 4 replicates. The plots were grazed by sheep at 2-week intervals during the growing season. Dry mature plant material and soil were sampled in summer to examine the effect of grazing and cultivar on seed yield and nutritive value of feed residues. Cultivars heavily grazed in spring had a low herbage mass. There was no difference in seed yield and seed weight between heavily and lightly grazed cultivars. Dry matter digestibility and mineral content of dry residues was inconsistent for the 2 grazing treatments. The dry matter digestibility of dry, mature subterranean clover ranged from 40 to 56%, with a wide range of crude fibre, nitrogen and mineral content for the 26 cultivars. While most minerals in the dry residues were above the requirement for sheep, 7 cultivars had a zinc content less than the maintenance requirement for sheep. There was an imbalance for all cultivars in calcium: phosphorus with a range of 4–10: 1.

Concurrent estimates on the yield and composition of seed indicated that seed can be resource of minerals for grazing animals in summer. Most cultivars had a seed yield over 100 g/m2 with that of 9 cultivars being over 130 g/m2. Seed was rich in nitrogen, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc and copper, and poor in sodium, calcium and manganese. However, there were no cultivars with an appropriate ratio of calcium and phosphorus. The imbalance in nitrogen and sulfur was a result of high nitrogen content with the ratio ranging from 19: 1 to 29: 1.

Keywords: mineral, digestibility, sheep, pasture.

© CSIRO 2001

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