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Towards more sustainable pastures: lessons learnt

D. R. Kemp, D. L. Michalk and J. M. Virgona
40(2) pp.343 - 356

78 articles found in Crossref database.

Evaluation of perennial pasture legumes and herbs to identify species with high herbage production and persistence in mixed farming zones in southern Australia
Li G. D., Lodge G. M., Moore G. A., Craig A. D., Dear B. S., Boschma S. P., Albertsen T. O., Miller S. M., Harden S., Hayes R. C., Hughes S. J., Snowball R., Smith A. B., Cullis B. C.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2008 48(4). p.449
Creating the Cicerone Project: seeking closer engagement between livestock producers, research and extension
Sutherland H., Scott J. M., Gray G. D., Woolaston R. R.
Animal Production Science. 2013 53(8). p.593
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Bowman A. M., Alemseged Y., Melville G. J., Smith W. J., Syrch F.
The Rangeland Journal. 2009 31(4). p.369
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Young C. A., Hume D. E., McCulley R. L.
Journal of Animal Science. 2013 91(5). p.2379
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Tozer K. N., Chapman D. F., Quigley P. E., Dowling P. M., Cousens R. D., Kearney G. A.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2009 60(1). p.32
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Animal Production Science. 2013 53(8). p.628
Short-duration rotational grazing leads to improvements in landscape functionality and increased perennial herbaceous plant cover
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Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2019 281 p.134
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Bakhtiari M. Abdollahi, Saeidnia F., Majidi M. M., Mirlohi A.
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Periodic rest from grazing provided no control of an invasive perennial forb
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Sustainability and economics of temperate perennial Australian grazing systems
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Cullen B. R., Chapman D. F., Quigley P. E.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2005 45(1). p.49
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Animal Production Science. 2013 53(8). p.685
Performance of native and introduced grasses for low-input pastures. 1. Survival and recruitment
Waters C. M., Garden D. L., Smith A. B., Friend D. A., Sanford P., Auricht G. C.
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Sanford P., Whalley R. D. B., Garden D. L., Norton M. R., Waters C. M., Smith A. B., Mitchell M. L., Kobelt E., Friend D. A., Hall E., Auricht G.
The Rangeland Journal. 2005 27(1). p.55
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Dowling P. M., Michalk D. L., Kemp D. R., Millar G. D., Priest S. M., King W. McG., Packer I. J., Holst P. J., Tarleton J. A.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2006 46(4). p.457
Effect of annual pasture composition, plant density, soil fertility and drought on vulpia (Vulpia bromoides (L.) S.F. Gray)
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Optimising pasture and grazing management decisions on the Cicerone Project farmlets over variable time horizons
Behrendt Karl, Cacho Oscar, Scott James M., Jones Randall
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Broadfoot K. M., Badgery W. B., Millar G. D.
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Annual and seasonal dry matter production, botanical species composition, and nutritive value of multispecies, permanent pasture, and perennial ryegrass swards managed under grazing
Shackleton Jane, Boland Tommy M., Kennedy Jean, Grace Cornelia, Beaucarne Gaspard, Kirwan Stuart F., Schmidt Olaf, Sheridan Helen
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Sustainability and future food security—A global perspective for livestock production
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Characterisation of Sardinian germplasm of the perennial pasture grass Phalaris aquatica
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