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High phosphorus concentration in Trifolium balansae and Medicago polymorpha seed increases in herbage and seed yields in the field

MDA Bolland and MJ Baker
29(6) pp.791 - 795

16 articles found in Crossref database.

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A small increase in the concentration of phosphorus in the sown seed increased the early growth of wheat
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Low seed phosphorus concentration depresses early growth and nodulation of narrow‐leafed Lupin (Lupinus angustifoliuscv. Gungurru)
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Journal of Plant Nutrition. 1992 15(8). p.1193
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Long-term productivity of Mediterranean herbaceous vegetation after a single phosphorus application
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Effect of defoliation and phosphorus concentration in the sown seed on the response of swards of annual pasture legumes to superphosphate applications
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Importance of seed Zn content for wheat growth on Zn-deficient soil
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Temporary nutrient deficiency ‐ a difficult case for diagnosis and prognosis by plant analysis
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Low seed phosphorus concentration depresses early growth and nodulation of narrow‐leafed lupin(Lupinus angustifoliuscv. Gungurru)
Thomson B. D., Bell R. W., Bolland M. D. A.
Journal of Plant Nutrition. 1991 14(12). p.1355
Quantification of the confounding effect of seed manganese content in screening for manganese efficiency in durum wheat (triticum turgidumL. var.durum)
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Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2000 23(7). p.855
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