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Effects of variations in herbage mass, allowance, and level of supplement on nutrient intake and milk production of dairy cows in spring and summer

W. J. Wales, P. T. Doyle, C. R. Stockdale and D. W. Dellow
39(2) pp.119 - 130

92 articles found in Crossref database.

Opportunities for future Australian dairy systems: a review
García S. C., Fulkerson W. J.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2005 45(9). p.1041
Effects of concentrate supplementation on enteric methane emissions and milk production of grazing dairy cows
Muñoz Camila, Hube Sara, Morales Jorge M., Yan Tianhai, Ungerfeld Emilio M.
Livestock Science. 2015 175 p.37
Predicting Immediate Marginal Milk Responses and Evaluating the Economics of Two-Variable Input Tactical Feeding Decisions in Grazing Dairy Cows
Heard Joanna W., Hannah Murray C., Ho Christie K. M., Wales William J.
Animals. 2021 11(7). p.1920
Effect of pregrazing herbage mass on methane production, dry matter intake, and milk production of grazing dairy cows during the mid-season period
Wims C.M., Deighton M.H., Lewis E., O’Loughlin B., Delaby L., Boland T.M., O’Donovan M.
Journal of Dairy Science. 2010 93(10). p.4976
Effect of pre-grazing herbage mass on dairy cow performance, grass dry matter production and output from perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) pastures
Wims C.M., Delaby L., Boland T.M., O’Donovan M.
Animal. 2014 8(1). p.141
Evaluating the economics of concentrate feeding decisions in grazing dairy cows
Ho C. K. M., Heard J. W., Wales W. J., Jacobs J. L., Doyle P. T., Malcolm B.
Animal Production Science. 2018 58(7). p.1329
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Beltrán Ignacio E., Gregorini Pablo, Morales Alvaro, Balocchi Oscar A., Pulido Rubén G.
Animal Production Science. 2019 59(10). p.1837
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The Journal of Agricultural Science. 2017 155(4). p.657
Nutritive characteristics of annual species in irrigated pasture in northern Victoria
Heard J. W., Francis S. A., Doyle P. T.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2006 46(8). p.1015
Associative effects between feeds when concentrate supplements are fed to grazing dairy cows: a review of likely impacts on metabolisable energy supply
Doyle P. T., Francis S. A., Stockdale C. R.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2005 56(12). p.1315
Does pre‐grazing herbage mass really affect herbage intake and milk production of strip‐grazing dairy cows?
Pérez‐Prieto L. A., Peyraud J. L., Delagarde R.
Grass and Forage Science. 2013 68(1). p.93
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Seasonal Effect on Feed Intake and Methane Emissions of Cow–Calf Systems on Native Grassland with Variable Herbage Allowance
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Short Communication: Effect of Postgrazing Residual Pasture Height on Milk Production
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GrazeIn: a model of herbage intake and milk production for grazing dairy cows. 3. Simulations and external validation of the model
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Fariña S. R., Garcia S. C., Fulkerson W. J., Barchia I. M.
Grass and Forage Science. 2011 66(3). p.316
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Ho C. K. M., Malcolm B., Doyle P. T.
Animal Production Science. 2013 53(5). p.437
Increasing the intake of highly digestible Persian clover herbage reduces rumen fluid pH and the rate of degradation of neutral detergent fibre in grazing dairy cows
Williams Y. J., Doyle P. T., Egan A. R., Stockdale C. R.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2005 45(12). p.1529
Invited review: An evaluation of the likely effects of individualized feeding of concentrate supplements to pasture-based dairy cows
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Muir S. K., Ward G. N., Jacobs J. L.
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Elgersma Anjo
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Evers S.H., Delaby L., Pierce K.M., Horan B.
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Reporting Forage Allowance in Grazing Experiments
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Auldist M. J., Grainger C., Macmillan K. L., Marett L. C., Hannah M., Leury B. J., Wales W. J.
Animal Production Science. 2011 51(3). p.204
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Grass and Forage Science. 2008 63(2). p.221
Effect of herbage allowance and concentrate supplementation on dry matter intake, milk production and energy balance of early lactating dairy cows
Kennedy E., O'Donovan M., Delaby L., O'Mara F.P.
Livestock Science. 2008 117(2-3). p.275
Pasture intake and milk production of dairy cows grazing annual ryegrass with or without corn silage supplementation
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Animal Production Science. 2014 54(10). p.1810
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O'Donovan Michael, Delaby Luc
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Effect of pregrazing herbage mass and pasture allowance on the lactation performance of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows
McEvoy M., O’Donovan M., Kennedy E., Murphy J.P., Delaby L., Boland T.M.
Journal of Dairy Science. 2009 92(1). p.414
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Roche J.R., Berry D.P., Bryant A.M., Burke C.R., Butler S.T., Dillon P.G., Donaghy D.J., Horan B., Macdonald K.A., Macmillan K.L.
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McEvoy M., Delaby L., Murphy J. P., Boland T. M., O’Donovan M.
Grass and Forage Science. 2010 65(3). p.335
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Hills J. L., García S. C., Dela Rue B., Clark C. E. F.
Animal Production Science. 2015 55(7). p.922
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Kennedy E., O’Donovan M., O’Mara F.P., Murphy J.P., Delaby L.
Journal of Dairy Science. 2007 90(6). p.3060
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Associations among dairy cow body condition and welfare-associated behavioral traits
Matthews L.R., Cameron C., Sheahan A.J., Kolver E.S., Roche J.R.
Journal of Dairy Science. 2012 95(5). p.2595
Increasing the concentrations of beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk produced by dairy cows in high-forage systems
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Evaluating the economic and production benefit of removing dairy cows from pastures in response to wet soil conditions
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Diet Check—a tactical decision support tool for feeding decisions with grazing dairy cows
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Feed conversion efficiency as a key determinant of dairy herd performance: a review
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Seasonal variation in milk production and cheese yield from commercial dairy farms located in northern Victoria is associated with pasture and grazing management and supplementary feeding practices
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Sward characteristics, grass dry matter intake and milk production performance are affected by pre-grazing herbage mass and pasture allowance
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Meta-analysis of the effect of pasture allowance on pasture intake, milk production, and grazing behavior of dairy cows grazing temperate grasslands
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Responses to supplementation by dairy cows given low pasture allowances in different seasons 1. Pasture intake and substitution
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Predicting milk responses to cereal-based supplements in grazing dairy cows
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Comparison of milk and grass composition from grazing Irish dairy herds with and without milk fat depression
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Herbage intake and milk yield of dairy cows grazing perennial ryegrass swards or white clover/perennial ryegrass swards at low- and medium-herbage allowances
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Effects of stocking rate, supplementation, genotype and their interactions on grazing dairy systems: a review
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Influence of pre‐grazing herbage mass on bite mass, eating behaviour, and dairy cow performance on pasture
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Responses to the renovation of an irrigated perennial pasture in northern Victoria. 1. Pasture consumption and nutritive characteristics
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Seasonality of calving in pasture-based dairy systems: its effects on herbage production, utilisation and dry matter intake
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Dry matter intake and feeding behaviour of grazing dairy cows offered a mixed ration with or without canola meal
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Meta-analysis of the effect of pregrazing pasture mass on pasture intake, milk production, and grazing behavior of dairy cows strip-grazing temperate grasslands
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Post-grazing sward height imposed during the first 10 weeks of lactation: Influence on early and total lactation dairy cow production, and spring and annual sward characteristics
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Defoliation pattern, foraging behaviour and diet selection by lactating dairy cows in response to sward height and herbage allowance of a ryegrass‐dominated pasture
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Selenium levels in cows fed pasture and concentrates or a total mixed ration and supplemented with selenized yeast to produce milk with supra-nutritional selenium concentrations
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GrazeIn: a model of herbage intake and milk production for grazing dairy cows. 2. Prediction of intake under rotational and continuously stocked grazing management
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Consumo de forragem e produção de leite de vacas em pastagem de azevém-anual com duas ofertas de forragem
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Variation in feeding behavior and milk production among dairy cows when supplemented with 2 amounts of mixed ration in combination with 2 amounts of pasture
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Prior Forage Type Influences Ruminal Responses to a Wheat Grain Challenge in Lactating Dairy Cows
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