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Soil factors affecting the sustainability and productivity of perennial and annual pastures in the high rainfall zone of south-eastern Australia

H. P. Cresswell, Z. Paydar, F. X. Dunin, H. Dove and R. J. Simpson R. E. White, K. R. Helyar, A. M. Ridley, D. Chen, L. K. Heng, J. Evans, R. Fisher, J. R. Hirth, P. M. Mele, G. R. Morrison,
40(2) pp.267 - 283

40 articles found in Crossref database.

Changes in soil water content under annual- and perennial-based pasture systems in the wheatbelt of southern New South Wales
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Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2006 57(3). p.321
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Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2005 45(1). p.41
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Jones R. E., Dowling P. M., Michalk D. L., King W. McG.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2006 46(4). p.495
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McLeod M.K., MacLeod D.A., Daniel H.
Agricultural Water Management. 2006 82(3). p.318
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Hayes Richard C., Li Guangdi D., Conyers Mark K., Virgona Jim M., Dear Brian S.
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Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2008 40(1). p.262
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Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2015 81 p.58
Prospects for improving perennial legume persistence in mixed grazed pastures of south-eastern Australia, with particular reference to white clover
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