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Effects of grazing management on botanical composition of native grass-based pastures in temperate south-east Australia

D. L. Garden, G. M. Lodge, D. A. Friend, P. M. Dowling and B. A. Orchard
40(2) pp.225 - 245

44 articles found in Crossref database.

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Plant and Soil. 2017 412(1-2). p.7
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Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2006 46(4). p.483
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Phosphorus-utilisation efficiency and leaf-morphology traits of Rytidosperma species (wallaby grasses) that differ in their growth response to phosphorus fertilisation
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Australian Journal of Botany. 2016 64(1). p.65
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King W. McG., Dowling P. M., Michalk D. L., Kemp D. R., Millar G. D., Packer I. J., Priest S. M., Tarleton J. A.
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Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2008 48(4). p.424
Forb responses to grazing and rest management in a critically endangered Australian native grassland ecosystem
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The Rangeland Journal. 2010 32(2). p.187
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Waters C. M., Garden D. L., Smith A. B., Friend D. A., Sanford P., Auricht G. C.
The Rangeland Journal. 2005 27(1). p.23
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Waddell H. A., Simpson R. J., Henderson B., Ryan M. H., Lambers H., Garden D. L., Richardson A. E.
Grass and Forage Science. 2016 71(2). p.245
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Behrendt Karl, Scott James M., Cacho Oscar, Jones Randall
Animal Production Science. 2013 53(8). p.806
Sustainable grazing systems for the Central Tablelands of New South Wales. 2. Effect of pasture type and grazing management on pasture productivity and composition
Dowling P. M., Michalk D. L., Kemp D. R., Millar G. D., Priest S. M., King W. McG., Packer I. J., Holst P. J., Tarleton J. A.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2006 46(4). p.457
Themeda triandra: a keystone grass species
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African Journal of Range & Forage Science. 2013 30(3). p.99
Synthesis of system outcomes for a grazing-management experiment in temperate native pastures
Badgery W. B., Michalk D. L.
Animal Production Science. 2017 57(9). p.1869

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