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Animal Production Science Animal Production Science Society
Food, fibre and pharmaceuticals from animals

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Estimation of milk consumption in beef calves using a tritiated water dilution technique

H Dove and A Axelsen
19(101) pp.666 - 672

9 articles found in Crossref database.

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A refinement and evaluation of the isotope dilution method for estimating milk intake by piglets
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Estimation of the intake of milk by lambs, from the turnover of deuterium- or tritium-labelled water
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British Journal of Nutrition. 1988 60(2). p.375
Estimation of Forage Dry Matter Intake in Lactating Dairy Cows Using a Deuterium Oxide Dilution Technique
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Journal of Dairy Science. 1985 68(10). p.2596
Lactation in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii). I. Milk consumption and the algebraic description of the lactation curve
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Journal of Zoology. 1989 219(3). p.385
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Journal of Dairy Science. 2007 90(2). p.867
Allometry of milk intake at peak lactation
Riek Alexander
Mammalian Biology. 2011 76(1). p.3

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