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Strategic nitrogen fertiliser use on perennial ryegrass and white clover pasture in north-western Tasmania

R. J. Eckard and D. R. Franks
38(2) pp.155 - 160

28 articles found in Crossref database.

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International Congress Series. 2006 1293 p.76
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Lawson A. R., Kelly K. B.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2007 47(2). p.149
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Agricultural Systems. 2018 166 p.36
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European Journal of Agronomy. 2001 15(3). p.221
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Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2004 55(9). p.911
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Eckard R.J., Grainger C., de Klein C.A.M.
Livestock Science. 2010 130(1-3). p.47
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Labuschagne J., Hardy M. B., Agenbag G. A.
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