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Theft by harvesting ants of pasture seed broadcast on unploughed land

MH Campbell
6(22) pp.334 - 338

20 articles found in Crossref database.

Cool‐Season Turfgrass Colony and Seed Survival in a Restored Prairie
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Seasonal patterns of pasture seed loss to black field crickets (Teleogryllus commodus) and other invertebrates
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Ant-plant interactions in Australia (1982)
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Physical structure of an ant community in semi‐arid Australia
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Invasive ants in Australia: documented and potential ecological consequences
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Australian Journal of Ecology. 1989 14(2). p.235
Invertebrates and the Restoration of a Forest Ecosystem: 30 Years of Research following Bauxite Mining in Western Australia
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Insect damage to grasses oversown into tussock grassland in Central Otago, New Zealand
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The predation of perennial grass seeds in Transvaal savanna grasslands
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Winged coulter depth effects on overdrilled red clover seedling emergence
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Recruitment of Phalaris aquatica within existing swards. 1. Effects of biomass manipulation, seed level modification and site preparation
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Ant-plant interactions in Australia (1982)
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Effect of seed coatings on the germination, establishment, and survival of oversown pasture species at Glen Innes, New South Wales
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Weighing Defensive and Nutritive Roles of Ant Mutualists Across a Tropical Altitudinal Gradient
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Biotropica. 2011 43(3). p.343
Population biology of Microlaena stipoides in a south-eastern Australian pasture
Mitchell M. L., Virgona J. M., Jacobs J. L., Kemp D. R.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2014 65(8). p.767
From dispersal to predation: A global synthesis of ant–seed interactions
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Ecology and Evolution. 2018 8(18). p.9122
A note on the selection of seed types by harvester ants in northern Australia
Australian Journal of Ecology. 1977 2(2). p.231
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Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2024 373 p.109131

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