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Relationships between temperament and growth in a feedlot and commercial carcass traits of Bos indicus crossbreds

H. M. Burrow and R. D. Dillon
37(4) pp.407 - 411

107 articles found in Crossref database.

Animal welfare issues associated with extensive livestock production: The northern Australian beef cattle industry
Petherick J. Carol
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Consistency of flight speed and response to restraint in a crush in dairy cattle
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Infrared thermography as a tool for the measurement of negative emotions in dairy cows
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Uddin Jashim, McNeill David M., Phillips Clive J.C.
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Relationship between quantitative measures of temperament and other observed behaviors in growing cattle
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Genetics research in the Cooperative Research Centre for Cattle and Beef Quality
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Animal Production Science. 2020 60(4). p.560
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Assessment and Management of Pain Associated with Castration in Cattle
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Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals (2022)
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Genetics of flight time and other measures of temperament and their value as selection criteria for improving meat quality traits in tropically adapted breeds of beef cattle
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Deciphering Cattle Temperament Measures Derived From a Four-Platform Standing Scale Using Genetic Factor Analytic Modeling
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An assessment of behavioural syndromes in rangeland-raised beef cattle
Wesley Robert L., Cibils Andrés F., Mulliniks J. Travis, Pollak Emily R., Petersen Mark K., Fredrickson Ed. L.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2012 139(3-4). p.183

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