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Weather, herbage quality and milk production in pastoral systems. 1. Temporal patterns and intra-relationships in weather variables

J. R. Roche A F , L. R. Turner C , J. M. Lee A , D. C. Edmeades D , D. J. Donaghy C , K. A. Macdonald A , J. W. Penno A B and D. P. Berry E
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A DairyNZ, Private Bag 3221, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand.

B Present address: Synlait Ltd, 1028 Heslerton Road, RD13, Rakaia 7783, New Zealand.

C University of Tasmania, PO Box 3523, Burnie, Tas. 7320, Australia.

D AgKnowledge, PO Box 9147, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand.

E Teagasc Moorepark, Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland.

F Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 49(3) 192-199
Submitted: 3 September 2007  Accepted: 8 November 2008   Published: 2 March 2009

12 articles found in Crossref database.

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