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Estimating and mapping deep drainage risk at the district level in the lower Gwydir and Macquarie valleys, Australia

J. Triantafilis A C , I. O. A. Odeh B , A. L. Jarman B , M. G. Short B and E. Kokkoris B
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A School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of New South Wales, NSW 2052, Australia.

B Australian Cotton Cooperative Research Centre, Faculty of Agriculture Food and Natural Resources, Ross Street Building A03, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 44(9) 893-912
Submitted: 11 October 2002  Accepted: 17 October 2003   Published: 22 October 2004

36 articles found in Crossref database.

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Eldeiry Ahmed A., Garcia Luis A.
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 2011 137(2). p.82
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Soil Systems. 2020 4(2). p.25
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Elucidation of physiographic and hydrogeological features of the lower Namoi valley using fuzzy k-means classification of EM34 data
Triantafilis J., Odeh I.O.A., Minasny B., McBratney A.B.
Environmental Modelling & Software. 2003 18(7). p.667
An electromagnetic induction method for monitoring variation in soil moisture in agroforestry systems
Huth N. I., Poulton P. L.
Soil Research. 2007 45(1). p.63
A spatially constrained 1D inversion algorithm for quasi-3D conductivity imaging: Application to DUALEM-421 data collected in a riverine plain
Monteiro Santos Fernando Acácio, Triantafilis John, Bruzgulis Kira
GEOPHYSICS. 2011 76(2). p.B43
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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2016 127 p.510
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Soil Research. 2010 48(5). p.434
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Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 2009 56(4). p.535
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Monteiro Santos Fernando A., Triantafilis John, Taylor Richard S., Holladay Scott, Bruzgulis Kira E.
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. 2010 15(3). p.163
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GEOPHYSICS. 2012 77(4). p.WB201
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Mapping estimated deep drainage in the lower Namoi Valley using a chloride mass balance model and EM34 data
Woodforth A., Triantafilis J., Cupitt J., Malik R. S., Subasinghe R., Ahmed M. F., Huckel A. I., Geering H.
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Digital soil assessment delivers impact across scales in Australia and the Philippines
Grundy Michael J., Searle Ross, Meier Elizabeth A., Ringrose-Voase Anthony J., Kidd Darren, Orton Thomas G., Triantafilis John, Philip Seonaid, Liddicoat Craig, Malone Brendan, Thomas Mark, Gray Jonathan, Bennett John McLean
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Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 2013 44(11). p.1700
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Buchanan S., Triantafilis J.
Groundwater. 2009 47(1). p.80
An inversion approach to generate electromagnetic conductivity images from signal data
Triantafilis J., Terhune C.H., Monteiro Santos F.A.
Environmental Modelling & Software. 2013 43 p.88
A Vis‐NIR Spectral Library to Predict Clay in Australian Cotton Growing Soil
Zhao Dongxue, Zhao Xueyu, Khongnawang Tibet, Arshad Maryem, Triantafilis John
Soil Science Society of America Journal. 2018 82(6). p.1347
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Triantafilis John, Lesch Scott Mitchell, La Lau Kevin, Buchanan Sam Mostyn
Soil Research. 2009 47(7). p.651
Mapping the spatial distribution of subsurface saline material in the Darling River valley
Triantafilis John, Buchanan Sam Mostyn
Journal of Applied Geophysics. 2010 70(2). p.144
Hydrostratigraphic analysis of the Darling River valley (Australia) using electromagnetic induction data and a spatially constrained algorithm for quasi-three-dimensional electrical conductivity imaging
Triantafilis John, Santos Fernando Acácio Monteiro
Hydrogeology Journal. 2011 19(5). p.1053
terraGIS – a web GIS for delivery of digital soil maps in cotton‐growing areas of Australia
Huang J., Buchanan S. M., Bishop T. F. A., Triantafilis J., Goss Michael
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Reconnaissance scale mapping of salinity in three‐dimensions using EM38 and EM34 data and inversion modelling
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