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Social principles for agricultural extension to assist in the promotion of natural resource management

F. Vanclay
44(3) pp.213 - 222

287 articles found in Crossref database.

Animal Health Management Practices Among Smallholder Livestock Producers in Australia and Their Contribution to the Surveillance System
Hernández-Jover Marta, Hayes Lynne, Woodgate Robert, Rast Luzia, Toribio Jenny-Ann L. M. L.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2019 6
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Social context and the role of collaborative policy making for private land conservation
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Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 2012 55(4). p.469
Using residents’ attitudes, knowledge and behaviours to improve biodiversity conservation in an Australian rural–urban landscape
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Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2020 27(6). p.2515
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Agronomic and gross margin analysis of an insect pest suppressive broccoli cropping system
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‘The sweeter country’: social dimensions to riparian management in the Burdekin rangelands, Queensland
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Cawley Anthony, Heanue Kevin, Hilliard Rachel, O’Donoghue Cathal, Sheehan Maura
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