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Effects of continuous and seasonal grazing strategies on the herbage mass, persistence, animal productivity and soil water content of a Sirosa phalaris–subterranean clover pasture, North-West Slopes, New South Wales

G. M. Lodge, S. R. Murphy and S. Harden
43(6) pp.539 - 552

17 articles found in Crossref database.

Root depth of native and sown perennial grass-based pastures, North-West Slopes, New South Wales. 1. Estimates from cores and effects of grazing treatments
Lodge G. M., Murphy S. R.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2006 46(3). p.337
Performance of sheep systems grazing perennial pastures. 1. Pasture persistence and enterprise productivity
Robertson Susan M., Broster John C., Friend Michael A.
Animal Production Science. 2020 60(3). p.388
Persistence of Phalaris aquatica in grazed pastures. 2. Regenerative bud and tiller development
Cullen B. R., Chapman D. F., Quigley P. E.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2005 45(1). p.49
Changes in soil water content under annual, perennial, and shrub-based pastures in an intermittently dry, summer-rainfall environment
Lodge G. M., Brennan M. A., Harden S., Boschma S. P.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2010 61(4). p.331
Carbon resource sharing and rhizome expansion of Phalaris aquatica plants in grazed pastures
Cullen Brendan R., Chapman David F., Quigley Paul E.
Functional Plant Biology. 2005 32(1). p.79
Effects of pasture treatments on detached pasture litter mass, quality, litter loss, decomposition rates, and residence time in northern New South Wales
Lodge G. M., King K. L., Harden S.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2006 57(10). p.1073
The first century of Phalaris aquatica L. cultivation and genetic improvement: a review
Oram R. N., Ferreira V., Culvenor R. A., Hopkins A. A., Stewart A.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2009 60(1). p.1
Soil microbial biomass, labile and total carbon levels of grazed sown and native pastures in northern New South Wales
Lodge G. M., King K. L.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2006 57(8). p.837
Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees. complex pastures in southern New South Wales, Australia: a comparison of Eragrostis curvula cv. Consol and Medicago sativa L. cv. Nova under intensive rotational management
Johnston W. H., Cornish P. S., Koen T. B., Shoemark V. F.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2005 45(10). p.1255
Establishment and persistence of perennial grass and herb cultivars and lines in a recharge area, North-West Slopes, New South Wales
Boschma S. P., Lodge G. M., Harden S.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2009 60(8). p.753
Periodic rest from grazing provided no control of an invasive perennial forb
Price J. N., Whalley R. D. B., van Klinken R. D., Duggin J. A., Gross C. L.
The Rangeland Journal. 2011 33(3). p.287
Root depth of native and sown perennial grass-based pastures, North-West Slopes, New South Wales. 2. Estimates from changes in soil water content
Murphy S. R., Lodge G. M.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2006 46(3). p.347
Persistence traits in perennial pasture grasses: the case of phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L.)
Culvenor R. A., Simpson R. J.
Crop and Pasture Science. 2014 65(11). p.1165
Effects of cutting and grazing on newly sown plants of Phalaris aquatica cv. Sirosa at Tamworth, New South Wales
Lodge G. M.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2007 47(11). p.1351
Response of phalaris to differing water regimes or grazing treatments as measured by basal bud weight, water-soluble carbohydrates, and plant tillers
Lodge G. M.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2004 55(8). p.879
Evaluation of phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L.) germplasm for persistence under grazing on the North-West Slopes, New South Wales
Culvenor R. A., Boschma S. P.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2005 56(7). p.731
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New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research. 2019 62(2). p.246

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