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Mineral content of honeybee-collected pollen from southern New South Wales

D. C. Somerville and H. I. Nicol
42(8) pp.1131 - 1136

39 articles found in Crossref database.

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Yadeta Gemechis L., Degaga Emana G., Merti Admassu A.
Journal of Apicultural Science. 2024 68(1). p.19
Current Therapy in Avian Medicine and Surgery (2016)
Koutsos • Elizabeth, Gelis • Stacey, Echols Michael Scott
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Journal of Economic Entomology. 2024 117(3). p.683
Zinc nutrition increases the antioxidant defenses of honey bees
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Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 2015 156(3). p.201
Mineral analysis of pollen by Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence
Basso Inés M., Lorenzo Daniel S., Mouteira María C., Custo Graciela S.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2019 152 p.168
Strong phylogenetic constraint on transition metal incorporation in the mandibles of the hyper-diverse Hymenoptera (Insecta)
Polidori Carlo, Jorge Alberto, Keller Alexander, Ornosa Concepción, Tormos José, Asís Josep Daniel, Nieves-Aldrey José Luis
Organisms Diversity & Evolution. 2020 20(3). p.511
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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2022 70(4). p.1174
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Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. 2021 7(2). p.173
Element analysis of bee-collected pollen and bee bread by atomic and mass spectrometry – Methodological development in addition to environmental and nutritional aspects
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Zuluaga C., Martínez A., Fernández J., López-Baldó J., Quiles A., Rodrigo D.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2016 37 p.10
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Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 2020 60 p.126479
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Exploring the Botanical Origins of Bee‐Collected Pollen: A Comprehensive Historical and Contemporary Analysis
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Pollen nutrition and colony development in honey bees: part 1
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Botanical Origin and Nutritional Values of Bee Bread of Stingless Bee (Heterotrigona itama) from Malaysia
Mohammad Salma Malihah, Mahmud-Ab-Rashid Nor-Khaizura, Zawawi Norhasnida
Journal of Food Quality. 2020 2020 p.1

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