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Effect of grain supplementation and the provision of chemical or physical fibre on marginal milk production responses of cows grazing perennial ryegrass pastures

W. J. Wales, Y. J. Williams and P. T. Doyle
41(4) pp.465 - 471

26 articles found in Crossref database.

The influence of strain of Holstein‐Friesian dairy cow and pasture‐based feeding system on grazing behaviour, intake and milk production
McCarthy S., Horan B., Rath M., Linnane M., O'Connor P., Dillon P.
Grass and Forage Science. 2007 62(1). p.13
Effects of grain or hay supplementation on the chewing behaviour and stability of rumen fermentation of dairy cows grazing perennial ryegrass-based pasture in spring
Williams Y. J., Wales W. J., Doyle P. T., Egan A. R., Stockdale C. R.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2005 45(12). p.1519
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Doyle P. T., Francis S. A., Stockdale C. R.
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2005 56(12). p.1315
Clinical acidosis in a Gippsland dairy herd
Australian Veterinary Journal. 2005 83(6). p.347
The Definition of Acidosis in Dairy Herds Predominantly Fed on Pasture and Concentrates
Bramley E., Lean I.J., Fulkerson W.J., Stevenson M.A., Rabiee A.R., Costa N.D.
Journal of Dairy Science. 2008 91(1). p.308
Predicting milk responses to cereal-based supplements in grazing dairy cows
Heard J. W., Hannah M., Ho C. K. M., Kennedy E., Doyle P. T., Jacobs J. L., Wales W. J.
Animal Production Science. 2017 57(4). p.746
Potential impacts of negative associative effects between concentrate supplements, pasture and conserved forage for milk production and dairy farm profit
Ho C. K. M., Malcolm B., Doyle P. T.
Animal Production Science. 2013 53(5). p.437
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Moate P. J., Williams S. R. O., Hannah M. C., Marett L. C., Auldist M. J., Jacobs J. L., Wales W. J.
Animal Production Science. 2017 57(7). p.1520
Prediction of Ruminal pH from Pasture-Based Diets
Kolver E.S., de Veth M.J.
Journal of Dairy Science. 2002 85(5). p.1255
Meta-analysis of the effect of pasture allowance on pasture intake, milk production, and grazing behavior of dairy cows grazing temperate grasslands
Pérez-Prieto L.A., Delagarde R.
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Seasonal variation in milk production and cheese yield from commercial dairy farms located in northern Victoria is associated with pasture and grazing management and supplementary feeding practices
Walker G. P., Williams R., Doyle P. T., Dunshea F. R.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2007 47(5). p.509
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Baudracco J, Lopez-Villalobos N, Holmes CW, Macdonald KA
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Lean I. J., Golder H. M., Black J. L., King R., Rabiee A. R.
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Reference Module in Food Science (2016)
Gibbs J., Roche J.R.
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Westwood CT, Bramley E, Lean IJ
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Hetti Arachchige Anoma D., Fisher Andrew D., Auldist Martin J., Wales William J., Jongman Ellen C.
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Profitable feeding of dairy cows on irrigated dairy farms in northern Victoria
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Heard Joanna W., Hannah Murray C., Ho Christie K. M., Wales William J.
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Williams Y. J., Doyle P. T., Egan A. R.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2006 46(7). p.975
Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (2011)
Gibbs J., Roche J.R.
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Increasing the intake of highly digestible Persian clover herbage reduces rumen fluid pH and the rate of degradation of neutral detergent fibre in grazing dairy cows
Williams Y. J., Doyle P. T., Egan A. R., Stockdale C. R.
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2005 45(12). p.1529

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