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Relationships between kernel oil content, fruit removal force and abscission in macadamia.

S. J. Trueman, S. Richards, C. A. McConchie and C. G. N. Turnbull
40(6) pp.859 - 866

45 articles found in Crossref database.

Ultrastructure and anatomy of Macadamia (Proteaceae) kernels
Walton David A., Wallace Helen M., Webb Richard
Australian Journal of Botany. 2012 60(4). p.291
Spatial pattern and the effects of climatic factors on husk spot disease in macadamia
Akinsanmi O. A., Drenth A.
Australasian Plant Pathology. 2010 39(2). p.125
Boron Effects on Fruit Set, Yield, Quality and Paternity of Macadamia
De Silva Anushika L., Kämper Wiebke, Wallace Helen M., Ogbourne Steven M., Hosseini Bai Shahla, Nichols Joel, Trueman Stephen J.
Agronomy. 2022 12(3). p.684
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Yang Weihai, Xu Huanyu, Xiao Qiusheng, Li Xiaopeng Li, Shao Qin
SSRN Electronic Journal . 2022
Hyperspectral imaging for non-destructive prediction of total nitrogen concentration in almond kernels
Gama T., Wallace H.M., Trueman S.J., Tahmasbian I., Bai S.H.
Acta Horticulturae. 2018 (1219). p.259
Relationships Between Cell Structure Alterations and Berry Abscission in Table Grapes
Li Mingjuan, Huang Zhanwen, You Xiangrong, Zhang Yayuan, Wei Ping, Zhou Kui, Wang Ying
Frontiers in Nutrition. 2020 7
Macadamia physiology review: a canopy light response study and literature review
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Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. 2004 55(6). p.609
Shelf life of macadamia kernels of different origin
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Acta Horticulturae. 2019 (1256). p.375
Ultrastructure of Macadamia (Proteaceae) Embryos: Implications for their Breakage Properties
Annals of Botany. 2005 96(6). p.981
Delayed harvest reduces quality of raw and roasted macadamia kernels
Walton David A, Wallace Helen M
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2009 89(2). p.221
Quality changes in macadamia kernel between harvest and farm-gate
Walton David A, Wallace Helen M
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2011 91(3). p.480
Pollen limitation and xenia effects in a cultivated mass-flowering tree, Macadamia integrifolia (Proteaceae)
Trueman Stephen J, Kämper Wiebke, Nichols Joel, Ogbourne Steven M, Hawkes David, Peters Trent, Hosseini Bai Shahla, Wallace Helen M
Annals of Botany. 2022 129(2). p.135
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Akinsanmi Olufemi A., Drenth Andre
Crop Protection. 2012 41 p.35
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Trueman Stephen J.
Scientia Horticulturae. 2013 150 p.354
Quality and shelf life of tree nuts: A review
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Scientia Horticulturae. 2018 242 p.116
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Australasian Plant Pathology. 2010 39(5). p.453
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Miles A.K., Akinsanmi O.A., Aitken E.A.B., Drenth A.
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Richards Tarran E., Kämper Wiebke, Trueman Stephen J., Wallace Helen M., Ogbourne Steven M., Brooks Peter R., Nichols Joel, Hosseini Bai Shahla
Plants. 2020 9(2). p.228
Pollination services in a macadamia cultivar depend on across‐orchard transport of cross pollen
Kämper Wiebke, Trueman Stephen J., Ogbourne Steven M., Wallace Helen M.
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Horticultural Reviews (2009)
Hardner Craig M., Peace Cameron, Lowe Andrew J., Neal Jodi, Pisanu Phillip, Powell Michael, Schmidt Adele, Spain Chris, Williams Kristen
Prospects for increasing yield in macadamia using component traits and genomics
O’Connor Katie, Hayes Ben, Topp Bruce
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Fruit abscission in macadamia due to husk spot disease
Akinsanmi O.A., Miles A.K., Drenth A.
Acta Horticulturae. 2016 (1109). p.209
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Walton D.A., Wallace H.M.
Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2008 49(1). p.140
Pollen-parent affects fruit, nut and kernel development of Macadamia
Herbert Steven W., Walton David A., Wallace Helen M.
Scientia Horticulturae. 2019 244 p.406
Shelf Life of Tropical Canarium Nut Stored under Ambient Conditions
Walton David, Randall Bruce, Poienou Matthew, Nevenimo Tio, Moxon John, Wallace Helen
Horticulturae. 2017 3(1). p.24
High Outcrossing Levels among Global Macadamia Cultivars: Implications for Nut Quality, Orchard Designs and Pollinator Management
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Agronomy. 2022 12(8). p.1913
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Acta Horticulturae. 2018 (1213). p.411
Combined analysis of metabolome and transcriptome provides insights into metabolisms of chlorophylls, carotenoids, and flavonoids in the yellowing leaves of ‘HAES344’ macadamia
Yang Weihai, Xu Huanyu, Xiao Qiusheng, Li Xiaopeng, Shao Qin
Scientia Horticulturae. 2023 308 p.111600
Dropping macadamia nuts‐in‐shell reduces kernel roasting quality
Walton David A, Wallace Helen M
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2010 90(13). p.2163
Comparative profiling of primary metabolites and endogenous hormones in different macadamia infructescences during its early development
Yang Weihai, Li Jing, Xiang Fenglan, Xiao Qiusheng, Li Xiaopeng, Shao Qin, Chen Na
Scientia Horticulturae. 2023 319 p.112185
A mathematical model for predicting grape berry drop during storage
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Studies of postharvest berry abscission of ‘Kyoho’ table grapes during cold storage and high oxygen atmospheres
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Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2007 43(1). p.95
The effect of mechanical dehuskers on the quality of macadamia kernels when dehusking macadamia fruit at differing harvest moisture contents
Walton David A., Wallace Helen M.
Scientia Horticulturae. 2015 182 p.119
Late-dropping macadamia nuts have reduced shelf life
Gama Tsvakai, Wallace Helen M., Trueman Stephen J., Jones Kim, Hosseini-Bai Shahla
Scientia Horticulturae. 2020 268 p.109378
Pollen Paternity Can Affect Kernel Size and Nutritional Composition of Self-Incompatible and New Self-Compatible Almond Cultivars
Kämper Wiebke, Thorp Grant, Wirthensohn Michelle, Brooks Peter, Trueman Stephen J.
Agronomy. 2021 11(2). p.326
A model of vegetative flush development and its potential use managing macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia) tree canopies
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Ahmed Md Faruk, Popovich David G., Whitby Catherine P., Rashidinejad Ali
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Nunn Jasmine, Hardner Craig, De Faveri Joanne, Akinsanmi Olufemi A., O’Connor Katie, Alam Mobashwer, Topp Bruce
Euphytica. 2023 219(5).
SNP markers reveal relationships between fruit paternity, fruit quality and distance from a cross-pollen source in avocado orchards
Kämper Wiebke, Ogbourne Steven M., Hawkes David, Trueman Stephen J.
Scientific Reports. 2021 11(1).
Maturity indices ofCanarium indicum(Burseraceae) nuts
Walton D.A., Randall B.W., Poienou M., Moxon J., Wallace H.M.
Acta Horticulturae. 2016 (1109). p.17
Hyperspectral imaging predicts free fatty acid levels, peroxide values, and linoleic acid and oleic acid concentrations in tree nut kernels
Gama Tsvakai, Farrar Michael B., Tootoonchy Mahshid, Wallace Helen M., Trueman Stephen J., Tahmasbian Iman, Hosseini Bai Shahla
LWT. 2024 199 p.116068

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