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Challenges of feeding dairy cows in Australia and New Zealand

W. J. Wales A C and E. S. Kolver B
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Ellinbank, Vic. 3821, Australia.

B DairyNZ, Private Bag 3221, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Animal Production Science 57(7) 1366-1383
Submitted: 21 December 2016  Accepted: 5 April 2017   Published: 19 May 2017

47 articles found in Crossref database.

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American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2024 12(2). p.32
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McDonnell R. P., Staines M. vH.
Animal Production Science. 2019 59(2). p.249
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Annals of Applied Biology. 2022 181(1). p.22
Evaluating the economics of short-term partial mixed ration feeding decisions for dairy cows
Ho C. K. M., Wales W. J., Auldist M. J., Malcolm B.
Animal Production Science. 2018 58(8). p.1531
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Morales A.G., Cockrum R.R., Teixeira I.A.M.A., Ferreira G., Hanigan M.D.
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Animal science Down Under: a history of research, development and extension in support of Australia’s livestock industries
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Animal Production Science. 2020 60(2). p.193
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Ison Kieran A. D., Benvenutti Marcelo A., Mayer David G., Quigley Simon, Barber David G.
Animals. 2020 10(5). p.860
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Aleri J.W., Hine B.C., Pyman M.F., Mansell P.D., Wales W.J., Mallard B., Stevenson M.A., Fisher A.D.
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A Forage Allowance by Forage Type Interaction Impacts the Daily Milk Yield of Early Lactation Dairy Cows
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Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Excretion in Grazing Cows with High and Low Milk Urea Nitrogen Breeding Values
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Sustainability. 2021 13(17). p.9827
Dietary concentrate supplementation increases milk production and reduces predicted greenhouse gas emission intensity in pasture-based commercial dairy farms
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