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E. N. Ponnampalam A F , V. F. Burnett B , S. Norng C , R. D. Warner A E and J. L. Jacobs D
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- Author Affiliations

A Department of Primary Industries, 600 Sneydes Road, Werribee, Vic. 3030, Australia.

B Department of Primary Industries, RMB 1145 Chiltern Valley Road, Rutherglen, Vic. 3685, Australia.

C Department of Primary Industries, 621 Burwood Highway, Knoxfield, Vic. 3180, Australia.

D Department of Primary Industries, 78 Henna Street Warrnambool, Vic. 3280, Australia.

E Present address: Food and Nutritional Sciences, CSIRO, 671 Sneydes Road, Werribee, Vic. 3030, Australia.

F Corresponding author. Email:

Animal Production Science 52(4) 255-262
Submitted: 21 April 2011  Accepted: 23 December 2011   Published: 15 March 2012

58 articles found in Crossref database.

Red meat (beef and sheep) products for an ageing population: a review
Holman Benjamin W.B., Fowler Stephanie M., Hopkins David L.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 2020 55(3). p.919
Insights on meat quality from combining traditional studies and proteomics
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Meat Science. 2021 174 p.108423
Compositional attributes and fatty acid profile of lamb meat from Iberian local breeds
Cadavez Vasco A.P., Popova Teodora, Bermúdez Roberto, Osoro Koldo, Purriños Laura, Bodas Raúl, Lorenzo José M., Gonzales-Barron Ursula
Small Ruminant Research. 2020 193 p.106244
Aged Vacuum Packaged Lamb Cuts Are Less Brown than Fresh Muscle Cuts under Simulated Retail Display
Ponnampalam Eric N., Butler Kym L., Burnett Viv F., McDonagh Matthew B., Jacobs Joe L., Hopkins David L.
Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2013 04(08). p.147
Retail colour stability of lamb meat is influenced by breed type, muscle, packaging and iron concentration
Warner R.D., Kearney G., Hopkins D.L., Jacob R.H.
Meat Science. 2017 129 p.28
Carcase traits, meat quality, and lipogenic gene expression in muscle of lambs fed wheat bran feruloyl oligosaccharides
Hu Yuchao, Meng Ziqi, Wang Wenwen, Hao Xiran, Wang Yuan, Qi Jingwei
Italian Journal of Animal Science. 2023 22(1). p.369
Lipid Oxidation and Colour Stability of Lamb and Yearling Meat (Muscle longissimus lumborum) from Sheep Supplemented with Camelina-Based Diets after Short-, Medium-, and Long-Term Storage
Ponnampalam Eric N., Butler Kym L., Muir Stephanie K., Plozza Tim E., Kerr Matthew G., Brown Wayne G., Jacobs Joe L., Knight Matthew I.
Antioxidants. 2021 10(2). p.166
Performance, carcass traits, muscle fatty acid composition and meat sensory properties of male Mahabadi goat kids fed palm oil, soybean oil or fish oil
Najafi M.H., Zeinoaldini S., Ganjkhanlou M., Mohammadi H., Hopkins D.L., Ponnampalam E.N.
Meat Science. 2012 92(4). p.848
Sire breed and sex effects on the fatty acid composition and content of heart, kidney, liver, adipose and muscle tissues of purebred and first-cross prime lambs
Malau-Aduli A. E. O., Holman B. W. B., Kashani A., Nichols P. D.
Animal Production Science. 2016 56(12). p.2122
The Effect of Extensive Feeding Systems on Growth Rate, Carcass Traits, and Meat Quality of Finishing Lambs
De Brito Gerlane F., Ponnampalam Eric N., Hopkins David L.
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 2017 16(1). p.23
Muscle Antioxidant Enzymes Activity and Gene Expression Are Altered by Diet-Induced Increase in Muscle Essential Fatty Acid (α-linolenic acid) Concentration in Sheep Used as a Model
Ponnampalam Eric N., Vahedi Vahid, Giri Khageswor, Lewandowski Paul, Jacobs Joe L., Dunshea Frank R.
Nutrients. 2019 11(4). p.723
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Health beneficial long chain omega-3 fatty acid levels in Australian lamb managed under extensive finishing systems
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Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 2015 14(1). p.22
Comparison of grain-based diet supplemented with synthetic vitamin E and lucerne hay-based diet on blood oxidative stress biomarkers and lamb meat quality
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Small Ruminant Research. 2019 177 p.146
Interaction of diet and long ageing period on lipid oxidation and colour stability of lamb meat
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Meat Science. 2017 129 p.43
Manipulation of Omega‐3 PUFAs in Lamb: Phenotypic and Genotypic Views
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Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 2015 14(3). p.189
Lamb growth performance and carcass weight from rotationally grazed perennial pasture systems compared with annual pasture systems with supplements
Burnett V. F., Seymour G. R., Norng S., Jacobs J. L., Ponnampalam E. N.
Animal Production Science. 2012 52(4). p.248
Prediction of intramuscular fat content and major fatty acid groups of lamb M. longissimus lumborum using Raman spectroscopy
Fowler Stephanie M., Ponnampalam Eric N., Schmidt Heinar, Wynn Peter, Hopkins David L.
Meat Science. 2015 110 p.70
Lipid and colour stability of M. longissimus muscle from lambs fed camelina or linseed as oil or seeds
Moloney A.P., Kennedy C., Noci F., Monahan F.J., Kerry J.P.
Meat Science. 2012 92(1). p.1
Can botanically-diverse pastures positively impact the nutritional and antioxidant composition of ruminant meat? – Invited review
Kearns Michelle, Ponnampalam Eric N., Jacquier Jean-Christophe, Grasso Simona, Boland Tommy M., Sheridan Helen, Monahan Frank J.
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Plant Bioactive Compounds of Brazilian Pampa Biome Natural Grasslands Affecting Lamb Meat Quality
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Foods. 2024 13(18). p.2931
Effects of Using Rosemary Residues as a Cereal Substitute in Concentrate on Vitamin E, Antioxidant Activity, Color, Lipid Oxidation, and Fatty Acid Profile of Barbarine Lamb Meat
Smeti Samir, Yagoubi Yathreb, Srihi Houssemeddine, Lobón Sandra, Bertolín Juan Ramón, Mahouachi Mokhtar, Joy Margalida, Atti Naziha
Animals. 2021 11(7). p.2100
The impact of supplementing lambs with algae on growth, meat traits and oxidative status
Hopkins D.L., Clayton E.H., Lamb T.A., van de Ven R.J., Refshauge G., Kerr M.J., Bailes K., Lewandowski P., Ponnampalam E.N.
Meat Science. 2014 98(2). p.135
The effect of perennial and annual wheat forages, fed with or without lucerne, on the fatty acid profile and oxidative status of lamb meat
Holman Benjamin W.B., Fowler Stephanie M., Refshauge Gordon, Hayes Richard C., Newell Matthew T., Clayton Edward H., Bailes Kristy L., Hopkins David L.
Veterinary and Animal Science. 2022 15 p.100230
Antioxidant dynamics in the live animal and implications for ruminant health and product (meat/milk) quality: role of vitamin E and selenium
Chauhan Surinder S., Celi Pietro, Ponnampalam Eric N., Leury Brian J., Liu Fan, Dunshea Frank R.
Animal Production Science. 2014 54(10). p.1525
The influence of the level of ewe gestation nutrition and lamb finishing diet on long-chain polyunsaturated fat concentration, antioxidant and mineral status, and colour stability of meat
Ponnampalam E. N., Behrendt R., Kerr M. G., Raeside M. C., McDonagh M. B.
Animal Production Science. 2018 58(8). p.1481
The impact of gender and age on the nutritional parameters of alpaca ( Vicugna pacos ) meat, colour stability and fat traits
Smith M.A., Bush R.D., van de Ven R.J., Hall E.J.S., Greenwood P.L., Hopkins D.L.
Meat Science. 2017 123 p.21
Effect of supplementation with linseed or a blend of aromatic spices and time on feed on fatty acid composition, meat quality and consumer liking of meat from lambs fed dehydrated alfalfa or corn
Realini C.E., Bianchi G., Bentancur O., Garibotto G.
Meat Science. 2017 127 p.21
Feeding systems and tocopherol level in the diet and their effects on the quality of lamb meat: a meta-analysis
Hampel Viviane da Silva, Poli Cesar Henrique Espírito Candal, Devincenzi Thais, Pötter Luciana
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia. 2019 48
Enhanced Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Contents in Muscle and Edible Organs of Australian Prime Lambs Grazing Lucerne and Cocksfoot Pastures
Le Hung V., Nguyen Quang V., Nguyen Don V., Otto John R., Malau-Aduli Bunmi S., Nichols Peter D., Malau-Aduli Aduli E. O.
Nutrients. 2018 10(12). p.1985
Milk and meat fatty acids from sheep fed a plantain–chicory mixture or a grass-based permanent sward
Rodríguez R., Alomar D., Morales R.
Animal. 2020 14(5). p.1102
Enrichment of ruminant meats with health enhancing fatty acids and antioxidants: feed-based effects on nutritional value and human health aspects – invited review
Ponnampalam Eric N., Kearns Michelle, Kiani Ali, Santhiravel Sarusha, Vahmani Payam, Prache Sophie, Monahan Frank J., Mapiye Cletos
Frontiers in Animal Science. 2024 5
Use of lucerne hay in ruminant feeds to improve animal productivity, meat nutritional value and meat preservation under a more variable climate
Ponnampalam Eric N., Dunshea Frank R., Warner Robyn D.
Meat Science. 2020 170 p.108235
Effects of intramuscular vitamin E multiple injection on quality, oxidative stability and consumer acceptability of meat from Laticauda lambs fed under natural rearing conditions
Maiorano G., Angwech H., Memmo D. Di, Wilkanowska A., Mucci R., Abiuso C., Tavaniello S.
Small Ruminant Research. 2016 139 p.52
Effects of algae supplementation in high-energy dietary on fatty acid composition and the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism in Hu sheep managed under intensive finishing system
Fan Yixuan, Ren Caifang, Meng Fanxing, Deng Kaiping, Zhang Guomin, Wang Feng
Meat Science. 2019 157 p.107872
The use of oxidative stress biomarkers in live animals (in vivo) to predict meat quality deterioration postmortem (in vitro) caused by changes in muscle biochemical components1
Ponnampalam E. N., Hopkins D. L., Giri K., Jacobs J. L., Plozza T., Lewandowski P., Bekhit A.
Journal of Animal Science. 2017 95(7). p.3012
Effects of olive-cake supplementation on fatty acid composition, antioxidant status and lipid and meat-colour stability of Barbarine lambs reared on improved rangeland plus concentrates or indoors with oat hay plus concentrates
Hamdi H., Majdoub-Mathlouthi L., Durand D., Thomas A., Kraiem K.
Animal Production Science. 2018 58(9). p.1714
New Aspects of Meat Quality (2022)
Wood J.D., Scollan Nigel
Vitamin E status and reproduction in sheep: potential implications for Australian sheep production
Liu Shimin, Masters David, Ferguson Mark, Thompson Andrew
Animal Production Science. 2014 54(6). p.694
The effect of electrical stimulation and tenderstretching on colour and oxidation traits of alpaca (Vicunga pacos) meat
Biffin Tamara E., Smith Melanie A., Bush Russell D., Collins Damian, Hopkins David L.
Meat Science. 2019 156 p.125
Effects of spirulina supplementation on lipid metabolism disorder, oxidative stress caused by high-energy dietary in Hu sheep
Liang Yaxu, Bao Yongjin, Gao Xiaoxiao, Deng Kaiping, An Shiyu, Wang Zhibo, Huang Xinai, Liu Dong, Liu Zhinan, Wang Feng, Fan Yixuan
Meat Science. 2020 164 p.108094
Meat quality, fatty acids, volatile compounds, and antioxidant properties of lambs fed pasture versus mixed diet
Luo Yulong, Wang Bohui, Liu Chang, Su Rina, Hou Yanru, Yao Duo, Zhao Lihua, Su Lin, Jin Ye
Food Science & Nutrition. 2019 7(9). p.2796
The Synergism of Biochemical Components Controlling Lipid Oxidation in Lamb Muscle
Ponnampalam Eric N., Norng Sorn, Burnett Viv F., Dunshea Frank R., Jacobs Joe L., Hopkins David L.
Lipids. 2014 49(8). p.757
The effect of whole carcase medium voltage electrical stimulation, tenderstretching and longissimus infusion with actinidin on alpaca meat quality
Biffin Tamara E., Smith Melanie A., Bush Russell D., Morris Stephen, Hopkins David L.
Meat Science. 2020 164 p.108107
Muscle antioxidant (vitamin E) and major fatty acid groups, lipid oxidation and retail colour of meat from lambs fed a roughage based diet with flaxseed or algae
Ponnampalam Eric N., Burnett Viv F., Norng Sorn, Hopkins David L., Plozza Tim, Jacobs Joe L.
Meat Science. 2016 111 p.154
Spirulina supplementation improves lipid metabolism and autophagic activities in the liver and muscle of Hu lambs fed a high-energy diet
Liang Yaxu, Huang Xinai, Zhang Zhen, Deng Kaiping, An Shiyu, Gao Xiaoxiao, Wang Zhibo, Liu Zhinan, Wang Feng, Liu Dong, Fan Yixuan
Archives of Animal Nutrition. 2020 74(6). p.476
Effects of Drying Methods on Chemical Composition, Lipid Oxidation, and Fatty Acid Profile of a Traditional Dried Meat Kaddid
Zioud Amira, Hajji Wafa, Lobón Sandra, Joy Margalida, Bertolin Juan R., Smeti Samir, Chabbouh Meriem, Bellagha Sihem, Essid Ines
Foods. 2023 12(20). p.3837
Comparison of a grain-based diet supplemented with synthetic vitamin E versus a lucerne (alfalfa) hay-based diet fed to lambs in terms of carcass traits, muscle vitamin E, fatty acid content, lipid oxidation, and retail colour of meat
Baldi G., Chauhan S.S., Linden N., Dunshea F.R., Hopkins D.L., Sgoifo Rossi C.A., Dell'Orto V., Ponnampalam E.N.
Meat Science. 2019 148 p.105
Carcass Traits and Meat Quality of Fat-Tailed Lambs Fed Rosemary Residues as a Part of Concentrate
Yagoubi Yathreb, Smeti Samir, Ben Saïd Samia, Srihi Houssem, Mekki Ilyes, Mahouachi Mokhtar, Atti Naziha
Animals. 2021 11(3). p.655
Tropical grass and legume pastures may alter lamb meat physical and chemical characteristics
Hampel V. S., Poli C. H. E. C., Joy M., Tontini J. F., Devincenzi T., Pardos J. R. B., Macedo R. E. F., Nalério E. N., Saccol A. G. F., Rodrigues E., Manfroi V., Fajardo N. M.
Tropical Animal Health and Production. 2021 53(4).
Supranutritional doses of vitamin E to improve lamb meat quality
Bellés Marc, del Mar Campo María, Roncalés Pedro, Beltrán José Antonio
Meat Science. 2019 149 p.14
Nutritional composition of lamb retail cuts from the carcases of extensively finished lambs
Fowler Stephanie M., Morris Stephen, Hopkins David L.
Meat Science. 2019 154 p.126
Rosemary distillation residues reduce lipid oxidation, increase alpha-tocopherol content and improve fatty acid profile of lamb meat
Yagoubi Y., Joy M., Ripoll G., Mahouachi M., Bertolín J.R., Atti N.
Meat Science. 2018 136 p.23
The quality and mineral composition of the longissimus lumborum and semimembranosus muscles from lambs fed perennial or annual wheat forage with or without lucerne
Holman Benjamin W.B., Hayes Richard C., Newell Matthew T., Refshauge Gordon, McGrath Shawn R., Fowler Stephanie M., Shanley Alexandra R., Hopkins David L.
Meat Science. 2021 180 p.108564
The effect of forage-types on the fatty acid profile, lipid and protein oxidation, and retail colour stability of muscles from White Dorper lambs
De Brito Gerlane F., Holman Benjamin W.B., McGrath Shawn R., Friend Michael A., van de Ven Remy, Hopkins David L.
Meat Science. 2017 130 p.81
Filling the out of season gaps for lamb and hogget production: Diet and genetic influence on carcass yield, carcass composition and retail value of meat
Ponnampalam E.N., Kerr M.G., Butler K.L., Cottrell J.J., Dunshea F.R., Jacobs J.L.
Meat Science. 2019 148 p.156

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