Utilising locally based energy supplements in leucaena and corn stover diets to increase the average daily gain of male Bali cattle and the income of smallholder farmers
Julian Hidayat A , Tanda Panjaitan B , Dahlanuddin C , Karen Harper
Supplementing a leucaena-based diet with locally available energy sources is an important strategy to extend the use of leucaena, increase liveweight (LW) gain of Bali cattle and increase profit for the smallholder.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of various local energy supplements in leucaena-based diets on the LW gain of Bali cattle and income-over-feed costs (IOFC).
Forty male Bali cattle were divided into five treatment groups (n = 8) and each was fed one of the following diets: (A) control diet, including leucaena ad libitum, with corn stover at 0.5% DM LW and mineral mix, (B) control + cassava meal at 1.0% DM LW, (C) control + cassava peel at 1.0% DM LW, (D) control + cassava peel and corn grain mix at 1.0% DM LW or (E) control + commercial feed at 1.0% DM LW. The experiment was run for 140 days, which included a 20-day adaptation period. Parameters measured included intake, digestibility, imbibed-water intake, LW gain, rumen and faecal parameters, feed conversion and IOFC.
Supplementation of local energy sources in combination with leucaena and corn stover diets increased LW gain of male Bali cattle above that of the control diet (P < 0.05). The bulls receiving the cassava peel and corn mix supplement had the highest LW gain (0.57 ± 0.09 kg/day), which was associated with an increase in digestible organic-matter intake (DOMI). There were no treatment differences (P > 0.05) in the rumen parameters (rumen fluid pH, rumen ammonia-N concentration and volatile fatty acids) and all parameters were optimum for rumen digestion.
The addition of local energy supplements supplied at 1% of LW improved growth rate and extended the use of a limited amount of leucaena and provided a higher IOFC.
Replacing approximately 40% of leucaena with energy sources can have three benefits, including an increase in LW gain, an increased capacity of farmers to feed more cattle per hectare and an increased income per cattle being fattened. This can increase the production scale and subsequent farmer income, provided that the energy sources are available at affordable prices and obtainable.
Keywords: cattle feeding, cattle growth, food conversion efficiency, leucaena, profitability, small holder farmers, stubble, supplements.
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