Genomic analysis of purebred and crossbred Angus cattle demonstrates opportunity for multi-breed evaluation
W. S. Pitchford

A Davies Livestock Research Centre, School of Animal & Veterinary Sciences, University of Adelaide, Roseworthy, SA 5371, Australia.
B Corresponding author. Email:
Animal Production Science -
Submitted: 26 March 2021 Accepted: 2 June 2021 Published online: 16 September 2021
Context: Overseas studies have quantified production differences of Hereford Angus crossbreds compared with purebred Angus for a range of traits including growth, carcass and reproductive traits.
Aim: This study aimed to quantify breed and heterosis effects using genomics.
Methods: Thirty Hereford and 30 Angus sires were mated to 1100 Angus cows and heifers in a large commercial herd run on pasture at Musselroe Bay, Tasmania. Approximately 1650 calves were born. Steers (743) were grown for an average of 23 months and then slaughtered.
Results: Heterozygosity effects were significant for birth, weaning and carcass weight and also loin eye-muscle area. On average, higher-quality (percentile) Hereford than Angus bulls were used. Breeding values were calculated for sires and could be compared with a common base given they also had BREEDPLAN breeding values published.
Conclusions: When heterozygosity was accounted for and when compared on a common base, progeny of average Angus sires were superior to progeny of Hereford sires for birthweight, carcass weight, eye-muscle area and intramuscular fat.
Implications: The method of benchmarking breeds using crossbred cattle and genomics provides a model for rapid adoption of multi-breed estimated breeding values, which is desirable for commercial beef producers.
Keywords: beef, crossbreeding, genomics.
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