Provision of urea–molasses blocks to improve smallholder cattle weight gain during the late dry season in tropical developing countries: studies from Lao PDR
P. A. Windsor

A The University of Sydney, Sydney School of Veterinary Science, Werombi Road, Camden, NSW, 2570, Australia.
B Department of Livestock and Fisheries, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
C National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI), Livestock Research Center, Vientiane, Lao PDR.
D Corresponding author. Email:
Animal Production Science 61(5) 503-513
Submitted: 22 September 2020 Accepted: 19 November 2020 Published: 14 December 2020
Journal Compilation © CSIRO 2021 Open Access CC BY
Context: Large-ruminant production in developing countries is inefficient with low growth rates and declining weights, particularly in the dry season.
Aims: The impact of ad libitum supplementation of cattle with high-quality molasses blocks (20 kg) containing either 8% urea (UMB) or nil urea (MB), was examined.
Methods: Field trials on smallholder farms compared weight changes and average daily gains (ADG = g/day) data of young calves <8 months of age (n = 25); growing calves 8–24 months (n = 35) and lactating cows (n = 46), of the indigenous breed when accessing either UMB or MB, with data being collected at Weeks 1, 4, 8 and 12. A pen study was also conducted at a research station involving mature, lactating crossbred cows (n = 37). Surveys of farming families experiencing use of the blocks was conducted (n = 20).
Key results: On smallholder farms, animals accessing UMBs were heavier than those accessing MBs at every collection day and in young calves these differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). ADGs were higher in cattle accessing UMB than in those accessing MBs. Young calves had the highest ADG (251–265 g/day), followed by growing calves (198–237 g/day) and lactating cows (187–190 g/day), although differences in ADG between UMB and MB cohorts were not considered significant (young calves P = 0.562; growing calves P = 0.509; and lactating cows P = 0.993). Results from the pen study identified that ADGs were not significantly different (P = 0.933) between crossbred cows accessing MBs (236 g/day) and cows accessing UMBs (229 g/day). Surveys of farmers using blocks confirmed that their animals were calmer and healthier, and had better coat condition with minimal external parasites; these farmers wished to purchase the blocks and were willing to pay a mean up to US$6.5 ± 2.3 per block.
Conclusions: Provision of UMBs and MBs in Laos in the late dry season improved cattle growth rates, which is consistent with previous studies and far superior to the base-line data from Laos demonstrating declining ADGs. Farmers considered that the blocks contributed greatly to herd management and improved sale-ability of their cattle.
Implications: Provision of molasses blocks on low-input smallholder farms in developing countries significantly improves production efficiency, offering an ‘entry point’ intervention while forages are becoming established.
Keywords: agricultural development, large ruminants, Southeast Asia, supplementation.
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