Performance of Angus weaner heifers varying in residual feed intake-feedlot estimated breeding values grazing severely drought-affected pasture
F. A. P. Alvarenga

A NSW Department of Primary Industries, Armidale Livestock Industries Centre, J. S. F. Barker Building, Trevenna Road, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia.
B CSIRO Agriculture and Food, FD McMaster Laboratory Chiswick, Armidale, NSW 2350, Australia.
C School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia.
D Precision Agriculture Research Group, School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia.
E Corresponding author. Email:
Animal Production Science 61(3) 337-343
Submitted: 17 April 2020 Accepted: 13 October 2020 Published: 20 November 2020
Context: Beef industry productivity and profitability would be enhanced by improved efficiency at pasture. Our research is evaluating performance at pasture of Angus heifers divergent in estimated breeding values for residual feed intake determined from feedlot data (RFI-f-EBV) under a range of grazing conditions.
Aims: To determine whether Low- and High-RFI-f-EBV cattle differ in their growth response when pasture quality and availability become limiting to performance.
Methods: Eight-month-old heifers (n = 40) weaned at 6 months of age grazed within two replicates of 20, each with 10 low feedlot-efficiency (High-RFI-f-EBV) and 10 high feedlot-efficiency (Low-RFI-f-EBV) heifers. Each replicate grazed each of eight 1.25-ha paddocks comprising severely drought-affected, low-quality (mean dry-matter (DM) digestibility 44.1%, crude protein 7.3% DM, and 6.1 MJ metabolisable energy/kg DM) mixed perennial and annual native temperate grasses at 7-day intervals during repeated 28-day cycles, with Phase 1 with 2834 kg DM/ha and Phase 2 with 1890 kg DM/ha mean starting biomass. Heifers were yard-weighed weekly on nine occasions during the 8-week study.
Key results: During Phase 1 of grazing, the heifers gained 6.2 kg liveweight (LW) and during Phase 2 of grazing they lost 10 kg LW on average. Differences in LW between the RFI-f-EBV groups were not evident at the start or end of the study. However, over the 56 days of study, average daily change in LW calculated from the difference between starting and final LW was higher for Low-RFI-f-EBV heifers than for High-RFI-f-EBV heifers (–33 vs –127 g/day, s.e.m. = 41 g/day, P = 0.026). A similar result was evident when average daily LW change was determined from regression of LW on the day of study (–6 vs –96 g/day, s.e.m. = 41 g/day, P = 0.033). No significant interactions between grazing Phase and RFI-EBV group were evident for the growth responses.
Conclusions: Higher feedlot-efficiency (Low-RFI-f-EBV) weaner heifers maintained LW somewhat better than lower feedlot-efficiency (High-RFI-f-EBV) heifers, as the nutritional availability at pasture became more limiting.
Implications: Low-RFI-f-EBV weaner heifers may be more nutritionally resilient than are High-RFI-f-EBV heifers under drought conditions and, hence, may require less supplementary feed to maintain growth performance.
Keywords: beef cattle, genetics, grazing efficiency, growth, net feed intake.
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