Water-quality issues facing dairy farming: potential natural and built attenuation of nitrate losses in sensitive agricultural catchments
Ranvir Singh
A School of Agriculture and Environment, Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand.
B Corresponding author. Email: r.singh@massey.ac.nz
Animal Production Science 60(1) 67-77 https://doi.org/10.1071/AN19142
Submitted: 12 March 2019 Accepted: 19 June 2019 Published: 11 November 2019
Context: Dairy farming will be increasingly scrutinised for its environmental impacts, in particular for its impacts on freshwater quality in New Zealand and elsewhere. Management and mitigation of high nitrate losses is one of the greatest water-quality challenges facing dairy farming in New Zealand and other countries. Management of critical flow pathways and nitrate-attenuation capacity could offer potential solutions to this problem and help maintain dairy-farming productivity, while reducing its water-quality impacts.
Aims: The present paper reviewed the key water-quality issues faced by dairy farming and assessed potential of emerging edge-of-paddock technologies, and catchment-scale nutrient-attenuation practices, to reduce nitrate losses from dairy farming to receiving water bodies.
Methods: We developed a conceptual catchment-scale modelling analysis assessing potential natural and built attenuation of nitrate losses from dairy farming in the Tararua and Rangitikei catchments (located in the lower part of the North Island, New Zealand).
Key results: This exploratory analysis suggests that a reduction of greater than 25% in the river nitrate loads from dairy-farming areas could potentially be achieved by spatially aligning dairy land with areas of high subsurface nitrate-attenuation capacity, and by managing critical flow pathways using innovative edge-of-field technologies such as controlled drainage, drainage-water harvesting for supplemental irrigation, woodchip bioreactors, and constructed wetlands in the study catchments.
Conclusions: The research findings highlighted the potential to better understand, map and effectively utilise existing natural and new built-in nitrate-attenuation capacity to significantly reduce water-quality impacts from dairy farming across environmentally sensitive agricultural catchments. This knowledge and tools could help farmers close the gap between what can be achieved with current, in-field mitigation practises and the nitrogen-loss allocation imposed by regulatory authorities.
Implications: However, the research findings presented here are based on a coarse-scale, conceptual modelling analysis, and therefore further research is recommended to develop tools and practices to better understand, map and effectively utilise existing natural and new built-in nitrogen attenuation capacity at farm-scale to achieve productive and environmentally friendly pastoral dairy farming across agricultural landscapes.
Additional keywords: critical flow pathways, diffuse pollution, drainage management, livestock production, nitrate attenuation, nitrate leaching.
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