Faba bean-rapeseed silage as substitute for Italian ryegrass silage: effects on performance and milk quality of grazing dairy cows
J. D. Jiménez-Calderón A , A. Martínez-Fernández A , A. Soldado A , A. González A B and F. Vicente
A Servicio Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo Agroalimentario (SERIDA), Ctra. de Oviedo s/n, 33300, Villaviciosa, Asturias, Spain.
B Present address: Fundación CETEMAS. Pumarabule, Carbayín s/n, 33936, Siero, Asturias, Spain.
C Corresponding author. Email: fvicente@serida.org
Animal Production Science 60(7) 913-922 https://doi.org/10.1071/AN17905
Submitted: 29 December 2017 Accepted: 6 September 2019 Published: 18 March 2020
Three trials were conducted to study the effect of including in the ration of dairy cows the intercrop faba bean-rapeseed or Italian ryegrass silages on feed intake, milk quality and enteric methane emissions. Ten lactating Holstein cows, randomly allocated in two groups, were used in each trial in a crossover design. Dry matter intake and milk yield were recorded daily for each data period. Milk was sampled for analyses three times per period. Enteric methane emission was estimated applying a model that includes bodyweight, dry matter intake, nutritional values of feeds and milk composition. Concentrate and grass intake did not differ between treatments, while total mixed ration intake was higher with Italian ryegrass silage. Milk yield and protein concentration also increased with the Italian ryegrass treatment. The milk urea concentration was higher with the faba bean and rapeseed diet. Fatty acid profiles were affected by feeding strategy. Thereby, t11 18:1, c9 18:1 and total unsaturated fatty acid were higher when the intercrop silage was fed. As consequence, atherogenicity index and thrombogenicity index were lower under that treatment. Estimated enteric methane emissions did not differ between treatments. In conclusion, faba bean-rapeseed intercrop can be an alternative to Italian ryegrass to feed dairy cows. The rations formulated with the intercrop silage have potential to improve the milk fatty acid content, and show healthier profiles for consumers. However, it would be useful to study the protein content of these crops to avoid possible excess urea in milk and to maintain sustainable milk yield and milk protein content.
Additional keywords: dairy fodder, dairy milk production, milk fatty acids, sustainable livestock.
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