Australian Mammalogy
Volume 32 Number 1 2010
AM08022Forelimb musculature of kangaroos with particular emphasis on the tammar wallaby Macropus eugenii (Desmarest, 1817)
Kathryn J. Harvey and Natalie Warburton
pp. 1-9
AM08017Gap-crossing in fragmented habitats by mahogany gliders (Petaurus gracilis). Do they cross roads and powerline corridors?
Yumiko Asari, Christopher N. Johnson, Mark Parsons and Johan Larson
pp. 10-15
AM09030Movements and habitat selection by wild dogs in eastern Victoria
Alan Robley, Andrew Gormley, David M. Forsyth, Alan N. Wilton and Danielle Stephens
pp. 23-32
AM09018Capturing genetic information using non-target species markers in a species that has undergone a population crash
Carlo Pacioni and Peter B. S. Spencer
pp. 33-38
AM09024Activity patterns of the southern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons) (Marsupialia : Vombatidae) in the South Australian Murraylands
G. R. Finlayson, C. R. White, R. Dibben, G. A. Shimmin and D. A. Taggart
pp. 39-46
AM09022Search for cryptic Pseudomys shortridgei in suitable habitat in the south-east of South Australia
Nerissa Haby and Darren Herpich
pp. 47-55
AM09015Non-invasive genetic sampling of faecal material and hair from the grey-headed flying-fox (Pteropus poliocephalus)
Heather J. Baldwin, Stephen J. Hoggard, Stephanie T. Snoyman, Adam J. Stow and Culum Brown
pp. 56-61
AM09019The effectiveness of hair traps for surveying mammals: results of a study in sandstone caves in the Tasmanian southern midlands
Rachel L. Harris and Stewart C. Nicol
pp. 62-66
AM09017Phylogeny of the rock wallabies, Petrogale (Marsupialia : Macropodidae). Part II: Detection of hybridisation among macropodines
John A. W. Kirsch, Olivier Gauthier, Antoine Campeau-Péloquin, Mark D. B. Eldridge and François-Joseph Lapointe
pp. 67-75
AM09031Hybridisation between dingoes and domestic dogs: a comment on Jones (2009)
A. S. Glen
pp. 76-77