Australian Mammalogy
Volume 31 Number 1 2009
AM08104Trial translocation of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) into arid Australia
Adam J. Bester and Karen Rusten
pp. 9-16
AM08111Reproduction of the numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus): observations from a captive breeding program
Vicki Power, Cathy Lambert and Phillip Matson
pp. 25-30
AM08114Effects of nest use, huddling, and torpor on thermal energetics of eastern pygmy-possums
Sae Namekata and Fritz Geiser
pp. 31-34
AM08110Habitat use by platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) in a modified Australian Wet Tropics catchment, north-eastern Queensland
Michael Milione and Elaine Harding
pp. 35-46
AM08115The effects of drought on prey selection of the barn owl (Tyto alba) in the Strzelecki Regional Reserve, north-eastern South Australia
Matthew C. McDowell and Graham C. Medlin
pp. 47-55
AM08107 Burrowing bandicoots – an adaptation to life in a fire-prone environment?
Kirstin Long
pp. 57-59
AM08112The measurement of luteinising hormone in the western grey kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus ocydromus) and the black-flanked rock wallaby (Petrogale lateralis lateralis)
Phillip Matson, Christopher Mayberry, Nicole Willers, Margaret A. Blackberry and Graeme B. Martin
pp. 61-63
AM08108Longevity record for a wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) from South Australia
David E. Peacock and Ron G. Sinclair
pp. 65-66
AM09002Surviving quokka (Setonix brachyurus) population on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia
Elizabeth A. Sinclair and Bridget M. Hyder
pp. 67-69