Spot the difference: optimising camera trap use to detect and identify individuals of a medium-sized carnivorous marsupial
Melissa C. Taylor

Handling Editor: Ross Goldingay
Camera trap model and setup choice can significantly affect data collection. This study investigated standard-angle Reconyx and wide-angle Swift camera traps in different setups and how the choice of equipment influenced detection and individual identification of the chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii). Camera models were placed side-by-side in four setups: (i) single and (ii) paired camera traps 30 cm above ground; and single cameras (iii) 1 m and (iv) 2 m above ground, with a lure (tuna oil) in the centre of all setups. Swifts had a higher Detection probability than Reconyx, although the number of detections with identified individuals did not significantly differ between camera models. The 30 cm paired camera setups had the highest Detection and Identification probabilities for both camera models, with both probabilities decreasing as cameras were positioned higher. Camera model and setup choice are important in obtaining detection and identification data, and should be considered when planning studies and interpreting results.
Keywords: camera trap, carnivorous marsupial, chuditch, cryptic species, detection efficiency, individual identification, Julimar State Forest, remote sensor camera, survey design, western quoll (Dasyurus geoffroii).
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