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Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

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The Mulgara Dasycercus cristicauda (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) at Uluru National Park, Northern Territory.

P. Masters
20(3) pp.403 - 404

23 articles found in Crossref database.

Spatial ecology of the mulgara in arid Australia: impact of fire history on home range size and burrow use
Körtner G., Pavey C. R., Geiser F.
Journal of Zoology. 2007 273(4). p.350
Trophic ecology of marsupial predators in arid Australia following reshaping of predator assemblages
Pavey Chris R, Burwell Chris J, Körtner Gerhard, Geiser Fritz
Journal of Mammalogy. 2018 99(5). p.1128
Animals of Arid Australia (2007)
Kerle J. A., Fleming M. R., Foulkes J. N.
Effects of cover reduction on mulgara Dasycercus cristicauda (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae), rodent and invertebrate populations in central Australia: Implications for land management
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Austral Ecology. 2003 28(6). p.658
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Thompson Graham G., Thompson Scott A.
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Pavey Chris R., Nano Catherine E. M., Cooper Steven J. B., Cole Jeff R., McDonald Peter J.
Australian Journal of Zoology. 2011 59(3). p.156
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Haythornthwaite A. S., Dickman C. R.
Journal of Zoology. 2006 270(3). p.543
Class Conflict: Diffuse Competition between Mammalian and Reptilian Predators
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Australian Journal of Zoology. 2017 65(5). p.335
The efficacy of monitoring techniques for detecting small mammals and reptiles in arid environments
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Wildlife Research. 2017 44(7). p.534
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Letnic M., Dickman C. R.
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PeerJ. 2016 4 p.e1609
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Austral Ecology. 2003 28(6). p.658
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Contos Peter, Letnic Mike
Australian Mammalogy. 2020 42(2). p.211

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