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Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

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Movements and day roosts of the Chocolate Wattled Bat Chalinolobus morio (Gray) (Microchiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in a logged forest.

D. Lunney, J. Barker and D. Priddel
8(4) pp.313 - 317

28 articles found in Crossref database.

Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna (2004)
Parnaby Harry, Hamilton-Smith Elery
Factors influencing the selection of roost cavities by a temperate rainforest bat (Vespertilionidae: Chalinolobus tuberculatus) in New Zealand
Sedgeley Jane A., O'Donnell Colin F. J.
Journal of Zoology. 1999 249(4). p.437
Roost site selection by southern forest bat Vespadelus regulus and Gould's long-eared bat Nyctophilus gouldi in logged jarrah forests; south-western Australia
Webala Paul W., Craig Michael D., Law Bradley S., Wayne Adrian F., Bradley J. Stuart
Forest Ecology and Management. 2010 260(10). p.1780
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Goldingay Ross L., Stevens Jane R.
Wildlife Research. 2009 36(2). p.81
Characteristics of tree hollows used by Australian birds and bats
Goldingay Ross L.
Wildlife Research. 2009 36(5). p.394
Tree hollow development in wet and dry sclerophyll eucalypt forest in south-east Queensland, Australia
Wormington Kevin, Lamb David
Australian Forestry. 1999 62(4). p.336
Selection of roost sites by the lesser long‐eared bat (Nyctophilus geoffroyi) and Gould's wattled bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) in south‐eastern Australia
Lumsden L. F., Bennett A. F., Silins J. E.
Journal of Zoology. 2002 257(2). p.207
Radio-tracking Honeyeater Movements
O'Connor Paul J., Pyke Graham H., Spencer Hugh
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1987 87(4). p.249
Roost preferences and foraging ranges of the eastern forest bat Vespadelus pumilus under two disturbance histories in northern New South Wales, Australia
Law Bradley S., Anderson Jason
Austral Ecology. 2000 25(4). p.352
Conservation of bats in suburban landscapes: roost selection by Myotis yumanensis in a residential area in California
Evelyn Michelle J., Stiles David A., Young Rebecca A.
Biological Conservation. 2004 115(3). p.463
Mammals of the Coastal Forests near Bega New South Wales: II. Annotated Checklist
Lunney Daniel, Barker John
Australian Zoologist. 1987 23(3). p.41
Bats and Other Fauna in Disused Fairy MartinHirundo arielNests
Schulz M.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1998 98(3). p.184
Roost preferences and foraging ranges of the eastern forest bat Vespadelus pumilus under two disturbance histories in northern New South Wales, Australia
Law Bradley S., Anderson Jason
Austral Ecology. 2000 25(4). p.352
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Austral Ecology. 2011 36(6). p.663
Distribution of nocturnal forest birds and mammals in relation to the logging mosaic in south-eastern New South Wales, Australia
Kavanagh Rodney P., Bamkin Khia L.
Biological Conservation. 1995 71(1). p.41
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Evelyn Michelle J., Stiles David A.
Biotropica. 2003 35(3). p.405
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Australian Zoologist. 2005 33(2). p.166
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Wildlife Research. 2005 32(2). p.183
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Wildlife Research. 2011 38(8). p.687
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Biological Conservation. 2002 106(2). p.237
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Brown G. W., Nelson J. L., Cherry K. A.
Australian Forestry. 1997 60(2). p.138
Roost selection by the long-tailed bat, Chalinolobus tuberculatus , in temperate New Zealand rainforest and its implications for the conservation of bats in managed forests
Sedgeley Jane A, F.J. O'Donnell Colin
Biological Conservation. 1999 88(2). p.261
Bat roosts in Tasmania’s production forest landscapes: importance of mature forest for maternity roosts
Cawthen Lisa, Law Bradley, Nicol Stewart C., Munks Sarah
Australian Journal of Zoology. 2021 68(6). p.307
Journal of Wildlife Management. 2004 68(3). p.602
Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna (2004)
Law Bradley S.
Mammals of the Coastal Forests near Bega, New South Wales I. Survey
Lunney Daniel, Barker John
Australian Zoologist. 1986 23(2). p.19

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